International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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692 Juha HeinonenThese are nonconstant mappings / : 0 —t R n in the Sobolev space Wj o '"(0;R"),where O c R n is a domain and n > 2, satisfying the following requirement: thereexists a constant K > 1 such that\f'(x)\ n < KJ f (x) (2.1)for almost every x £ ii, where |/'(x)| denotes the operator norm <strong>of</strong> the (formal)differential matrix f'(x) with J/(x)=det/'(x) its Jacobian determinant. One alsospeaks about K-quasiregular mappings if the constant in (2.1) is to be emphasized. 1Requirement (2.1) had been used as the analytic definition for quasiconformalmappings since the 1930s, with varying degrees <strong>of</strong> smoothness conditions on/. Quasiconformal mappings are by definition quasiregular homeomorphisms, andReshetnyak was the first to ask what information inequality (2.1) harbours per se.In a series <strong>of</strong> papers in 1966-69, Reshetnyak laid the analytic foundations for thetheory <strong>of</strong> quasiregular mappings. The single deepest fact he discovered was thatquasiregular mappings are branched coverings (as defined above). It is instructiveto outline the main steps in the pro<strong>of</strong> for this remarkable assertion, which akinto Riemann's result exerts significant topological information from purely analyticdata. For the details, see, e.g., [28], [29], [18].To wit, let / : 0 —t R n be K^quasiregular. Fix y £ R n and consider thepreimage Z = f^1(y).One first shows that the function u(x) = log \f(x) —y\ solvesa quasilinear elliptic partial differential equation-divA(x,Vu(xj)=0, A(x,Ç)-Ç~\Ç\ n , (2.2)in the open set 0 \ Z in the weak (distributional) sense. In general, A in (2.2)depends on /, but its ellipticity only on K and n. For holomorphic functions, i.e.,for n = 2 and K =1, equation (2.2) reduces to the Laplace equation —divVu = 0.Now u(x) tends to ^oo continuously as x tends to Z. Reshetnyak developssufficient nonlinear potential theory to conclude that such polar sets, associatedwith equation (2.2), have Hausdorff dimension zero. It follows that Z is totallydisconnected,i.e., the mapping / is light. This is the purely analytic part <strong>of</strong> thepro<strong>of</strong>. The next step is to show that nonconstant quasiregular mappings are sensepreserving.This part <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> mixes analysis and topology. What remains is apurely topological fact that sense-preserving and light mappings between connectedoriented manifolds are branched coverings.Initially, Reshetnyak's theorem served as the basis for a higher dimensionalfunction theory. In the 1980's, it was discovered by researchers in nonlinear elasticity.In the following, we shall discuss more recent, different types <strong>of</strong> applications.3. The branch setBranched coverings between surfaces behave locally like analytic functions accordingto a classical theorem <strong>of</strong> Stoïlow. By a theorem <strong>of</strong> Chernavskiï, for every1 The definition readily extends for mappings between connected oriented Riemannian n-manifolds.

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