International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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654 Alaxim NazarovReferenees[i[2[3;[4;[6;[9;[io;[n[12:[is;[w;[15[16[17;[18[19;[2o;R. Brauer, On algebras which are connected with the semisimple continuousgroups, Ann. Math., 38 (1937), 857-872.I. Cherednik, Factorized particles on the half-line and root systems, Theor.Math. Phys., 61 (1984), 977-983.I. Cherednik, A new interpretation <strong>of</strong> Gelfand-Zetlin bases, Duke Math. J., 54(1987), 563-577.V. Drinfeld, Hopf algebras and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, SovietMath. Doklady, 32 (1985), 254-258.V. Drinfeld, A new realization <strong>of</strong> Yangians and quantized affine algebras, SovietMath. Doklady, 36 (1988), 212-216.P. Kulish and E. Sklyanin, Quantum spectral transform method: recent developments,Lecture Notes in Phys., 151 (1982), 61-119.A. Alolev, Al.Nazarov and G.Olshanski, Yangians and classical Lie algebras,Russian Math. Surveys, 51 (1996), 205-282.I. Alacdonald, Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials, Clarendon Press,1995.A. Alolev and G. Olshanski, Centralizer construction for twisted Yangians, SelectaMath., 6 (2000), 269-317.Al.Nazarov, Yangians and Capelli identities, Amer. Math. Soc. Translations,181 (1998), 139-163.Al. Nazarov, Capelli elements in the classical universal enveloping algebras,Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 28 (2000), 261-285.Al. Nazarov, Representations <strong>of</strong> twisted Yangians associated with skew Youngdiagrams, in preparation.Al. Nazarov and G. Olshanski, Bethe subalgebras in twisted Yangians, Comm.Math. Phys., 178 (1996), 483-506.Al. Nazarov and V. Tarasov, Representations <strong>of</strong> Yangians with Gelfand-Zetlinbases, J. Reine Angew. Math., 496 (1998), 181-212.Al. Nazarov and V. Tarasov, On irreducibility <strong>of</strong> tensor products <strong>of</strong> Yangianmodules associated with skew Young diagrams, Duke Math. J., 112 (2002),342-378.G. Olshanski, Extension <strong>of</strong> the algebra U(g) for infinite-dimensional classicalLie algebras g, and the Yangians Y(gl(mj), Soviet Math. Doklady, 36 (1988),569-573.G. Olshanski, Twisted Yangians and infinite-dimensional classical Lie algebras,Lecture Notes in Math., 1510 (1992), 103-120.R. Proctor, Young tableaux, Gelfand patterns, and branching rules for classicalgroups, J. Algebra 164 (1994), 299-360.E. Sklyanin, Boundary conditions for integrable quantum systems, J. Phys.,Series A, 21 (1988), 2375-2389.H. Weyl, Classical Groups, their Invariants and Representations, PrincetonUniversity Press, 1946.

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