International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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3.4. Components <strong>of</strong> tensor productSpectral Problems 605In the previous section we explain that stability inequalities (3.5) (44> (UK))via toric Donaldson-Yau theorem solve Hermitian spectral problem. To relate thiswith tensor product part <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.1 we need another interpretation <strong>of</strong> thestability inequalities via Geometric Invariant Theory [26].Recall, that point x £ P(V) is said to be GIT stable with respect to linearaction G : V if G-orbit <strong>of</strong> the corresponding vector x £ V is closed and its stabilizeris finite. LetX = T a xT ß x T 1be product <strong>of</strong> three flag varieties <strong>of</strong> the same types as flags <strong>of</strong> the filtrationsE a ,E ß ,E~>, and £ a be line bundle on the flag variety T a induced by characteriv a : diagli,x 2 ,... ,x n ) >-¥ x^1 x^2 • • • x\ n ,where a : cti > 02 > • • • > a n is the spectrum <strong>of</strong> filtration E a , i.e. spectrum <strong>of</strong> thecorresponding operator H a .Observation 3.4. Vector bundle £ = £(E a ,E ß ,triplet <strong>of</strong> flagsE 1 ) is stable iff the correspondingi = F a xP 3 xF 1 ÉFxf' î xP = l 4 P(F(X, Cj)is a GIT stable point w.r. to group SY(E) and polarization £ = £ a M £ ß M C 1 .This observation is essentially due to Alumford [25]. Notice that by Borei-Weil-Bott theorem [5] the space <strong>of</strong> global sections F(J 7a ,£ a ) = V a is just an irreduciblerepresentation <strong>of</strong> SL(£') with highest weight a. Hence Y(X,£j) = V a ® \fi ® \fi.Every stable vector x can be separated from zero by a G-invariant section <strong>of</strong> £ N .Therefore triplet <strong>of</strong> flags in generic position is stable iff [VJV Q ® Yfiß ® VJV 7 ] SL(^ 7^ 0for some N > 1. This proves the last part <strong>of</strong> Theorem 2.1, modulo the saturationconjecture.4. Unitary operators and parabolic bundlesWe have seen in the previous section that solution <strong>of</strong> the Hermitian spectralproblem amounts to stability condition for toric bundles. A remarkable ramification<strong>of</strong> this idea was discovered by S. Angihotri and Ch. Woodward [2] for unitaryspectralproblem.Let U £ SU(n) be unitary matrix with unitary spectrumLet's normalize exponents A, as followse(U) = (e 2 " Al ,e 2 " A V-- ,e 2 " A ").' Ai > A 2 > • • ^ X n ,+ x n =X(U) := t Ai + A 2 + --- • • + A„ = 0, (4.1)^ Ai — A„ A„ < < 1, 1,and, admitting an abuse <strong>of</strong> language, call X(U) spectrum <strong>of</strong> U.

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