International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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ICM 2002 • Vol. II • 571-582Geometrie LanglandsCorrespondence for GL nD. Gaitsgory*AbstractWe will review the geometric Langlands theory (mainly for the groupGLn), whose development was initiated in the works <strong>of</strong> V. Drinfeld and G.Laumon.Let A be a (smooth, complete) algebraic curve over a ground field fc, andlet E be an ^-adic n-dimensional irreducible local system on X.The geometric Langlands conjecture (for GL„) says that to E one canassociate an automorphic sheaf SE, which is a perverse sheaf on the modulistack Bun n (A) classifying vector bundles <strong>of</strong> rank noni.We will explain the motivation for this conjecture in terms <strong>of</strong> the classicaltheory <strong>of</strong> automorphic forms, and the methods involved in the construction<strong>of</strong> SE-2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14H60.Introduction0.1. Let X be a (smooth, complete) curve over a ground field fc, and G a (split)reductive group. In the main body <strong>of</strong> the paper we will assume that G = GL n ,but now we would like to make a general overview <strong>of</strong> the theory, in which G can bearbitrary. Let Bunc denote the moduli stack <strong>of</strong> G-bundles on X.Our object <strong>of</strong> study is the category D(Bunc)-the derived category <strong>of</strong> sheaveson Bunc with constructible cohomology. By "sheaves" we will mean either Q r adicsheaves, which can be done over any fc, or D-modules, when char(fc) = 0.Finally, let G be the Langlands dual <strong>of</strong> G (thought <strong>of</strong> as an algebraic groupover Q f or fc, depending on the sheaf-theoretic context).0.2. It is believed that if o is a G-local system on X (i.e., a homomorphism fromthe appropriate version <strong>of</strong> ni(X) to G), which is sufficiently generic, then to o onecan attach an automotphic sheaf 3> £ D(Bunc), which is a Hecke eigen-sheaf withrespect to a. (See [BD], Section 5 for the definition <strong>of</strong> the Hecke eigen-property foran arbitrary G, or Section 2 below for the GL n case.)* Department <strong>of</strong> Mathematics, The University <strong>of</strong> Chicago, 5734 University Ave., Chicago, IL60637, USA. E-mail: gaitsgde@math.uchicago.edu

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