International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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484 L. GöttscheIt is usually best to look at the Hilbert schemes S^ for all n at the sametime, and to study their invariants in terms <strong>of</strong> generating functions, because newstructures emerge this way. For Euler numbers, Betti numbers and conjecturallyfor the elliptic genus these generating functions will be modular forms and Jacobiforms. This fits into general conjectures from physics about invariants <strong>of</strong> modulispaces. Also the cohomology rings <strong>of</strong> the S^ for different n are closely tied together.The direct sum over n <strong>of</strong> all the cohomologies is a representation for the Heisenbergalgebra modeled on the cohomology <strong>of</strong> S, and the cohomology rings <strong>of</strong> the S^ canbe described in terms <strong>of</strong> vertex operators. In the case that the canonical divisor <strong>of</strong>the surface S is trivial, this leads to an elementary description <strong>of</strong> the cohomologyrings <strong>of</strong> the S^n\which coincides with the orbifold cohomology ring <strong>of</strong> the symmetricpower, giving a nontrivial check <strong>of</strong> a conjecture relating the cohomology ring <strong>of</strong> anice resolution <strong>of</strong> an orbifold to the recently defined orbifold cohomology ring.The Hilbert schemes S^ are closely related to other moduli spaces <strong>of</strong> objectson S, including moduli <strong>of</strong> vector bundles and moduli <strong>of</strong> curves e.g. via the Serrecorrespondence and the Mukai Fourier transform. This leads to applications to thegeometry and topology <strong>of</strong> these moduli spaces, to Donaldson invariants, and alsoto formulas in the enumerative geometry <strong>of</strong> curves on surfaces and Gromov-Witteninvariants. We want to explain some <strong>of</strong> these results and connections. We will notattempt to give a complete overview, but rather give a glimpse <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the morestriking results.1. The Hilbert scheme <strong>of</strong> pointsIn this article S will usually be a smooth projective surface over the complexnumbers. We will study the Hilbert scheme S^ = Hilb n (S) <strong>of</strong> subschemes <strong>of</strong> lengthn on S. The points <strong>of</strong> S^ correspond to finite subschemes W C S <strong>of</strong> length n,in particular a general point corresponds just to a set <strong>of</strong> n distinct points on S.S^ is projective and comes with a universal family Z n (S) C S^ x S, consisting <strong>of</strong>the (W, x) with x £ W. An important role in applications <strong>of</strong> S^ is played by thetautological vector bundles F^ := n*q*(L) <strong>of</strong> rank n on S^. Here n : Z n (S) —^ S^and q : Z n (S) —¥ S are the projections and F is a line bundle on S.Closely related to S^ is the symmetric power S^ = S n /G n , the quotient<strong>of</strong> S n by the action <strong>of</strong> the symmetric group G n . The points <strong>of</strong> S^ correspond toeffective 0-cycles ^ n»[xj], where the xi are distinct points <strong>of</strong> S and the sum <strong>of</strong> therii is n. The forgetful mapp : SW -• S {n) ,W ^ Y, len (°w,x) Mis a morphism. The symmetric power S^ is singular, as for instance the fix-locus <strong>of</strong>any transposition in G n has codimension 2. On the other hand by [22] S^ is smoothand connected <strong>of</strong> dimension 2n and p : S^ —t S^ is a resolution <strong>of</strong> singularities.In fact this is a particularly nice resolution: If Y is a Gorenstein variety, i.e. thedualizing sheaf is a line bundle Ky, a resolution / : X —t Y <strong>of</strong> singularities is calledcrêpant if it preserves the canonical divisor, that is f*Ky = Kx- It is easy to see

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