International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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2.2. Balls intersect ballsGeometry <strong>of</strong> Symplectic Intersections 243Denote by B 2n (R) the closed Euclidean ball <strong>of</strong> radius F, endowed with thestandard symplectic structure induced from R 2 ". Denote by CF" the complexprojective space, endowed with its standard Kahler form a, normalized so that/cpi f = 7T. The following obstruction for symplectic packing was discovered byGromov [22]:Theorem C. Let M be either B 2n (l) or 1then B Vl n B V2 ^ 0.Since symplectic embeddings are also volume preserving there is an obviousvolume obstruction for having B lfil fl B V2 = 0. However, volume considerationspredict an intersection only if R 2n + Ff" > 1 (moreover for volume preservingembeddings the latter inequality is sharp).When one considers embeddings <strong>of</strong> several balls things become more complicatedand interesting. Here results are currently available only in dimension 4.Theorem D. Let M be either F 4 (l) or CP 2 , and let B Vï ,...,B VN c M be theimages <strong>of</strong> symplectic embeddings tp k : B 4 (R) —t M, k = 1,...,N, <strong>of</strong> N balls <strong>of</strong>the same radius R. Then there exist i ^ j such that B ipi n B lfii ^ $ in each <strong>of</strong> thefollowing cases:1. N = 2 or 3 and R 2 > 1/2.2. N = 5 or 6 and R 2 > 2/5.3. N = 7 and R 2 > 3/8.4. N = 8 and R 2 > 6/17.Moreover all the above inequalities are sharp in the sense that in each case if theinequality on R is not satisfied then there exist symplectic embeddings tpi,..., tpMas above with disjoint images B iPl ,..., F^ c M.Statement 2 for N = 5 was proved by Gromov [22]. The rest was establishedby McDuff and Polterovich [27]. Let us mention that for N = 4 and any N > 9this intersection phenomenon completely disappears in the sense that an arbitrarilylargeportion <strong>of</strong> the volume <strong>of</strong> M can be filled by a disjoint union <strong>of</strong> N equal balls(see [27] for N = 4 and N = k 2 , and [5, 6] for the remaining cases).2.3. Balls intersect LagrangiansIt turns out that there exist (symplectically) irremovable intersections alsobetween contractible domains (e.g. balls) and Lagrangian submanifolds.Denote by RF" C CF" the Lagrangian n-dimensional real projective space(embedded as the fixed point set <strong>of</strong> the standard conjugation <strong>of</strong> CP n ). The followingwas proved in [7]:Theorem E. Let B v c CF" be the image <strong>of</strong> a symplectic embedding tp : B 2n (R) —tCP n . If R 2 > 1/2 then B v n RF" ^ 0. Moreover the inequality is sharp, namelyfor every R 2 < 1/2 there exists a symplectic embedding tp : B 2n (R) —t CP n whoseimage avoids RF".In fact this pattern <strong>of</strong> intersections occurs in a wide class <strong>of</strong> examples (see [7]):

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