International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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Representations <strong>of</strong> Yangians 6451.2. Let v = (vi,v 2 , ...) be any partition. As usual, the parts <strong>of</strong> v are arrangedin the non-increasing order: vi ^ v 2 ^ ... ^ 0. Let v' = (v[,v 2 , •••) be thepartition conjugate to v. In particular, v[ is the number <strong>of</strong> non-zero parts <strong>of</strong> thepartition v. An irreducible module over the Lie algebra gl^r is called polynomial,if it is equivalent to a submodule in the tensor product <strong>of</strong> n copies <strong>of</strong> the defininggl N -module C^, for some integer n ^ 0. The irreducible polynomial gl^r -modulesare parametrized by partitions v such that v[ ^ N. Here n = vi + v 2 + ... . Let V vbe the irreducible module corresponding to v. This gl^r -module is <strong>of</strong> highest weight(vi, ..., VM). Here we choose the Borei subalgebra in gl^r consisting <strong>of</strong> the uppertriangular matrices, and fix the basis <strong>of</strong> the diagonal matrix units En , ..., ENN inthe corresponding Cartan subalgebra <strong>of</strong> gl N .Take any non-negative integer M. Yet the indices i and j range over the set{1, ..., N + M}. Fix the basis <strong>of</strong> the matrix units E t j in the Lie algebra gijv+M •We suppose that the subalgebras gl N and gt M in gljv+M are spanned by elementsEij where respectively i,j = 1, ... ,N and i,j = N + 1, ...,N + M. Yet X and pbe two partitions, such that A{ ^ N + M and p[ ^ M. Consider the irreduciblemodules Y\ and V ß over the Lie algebras gijv+M an d B'M- The vector spaceHom 0[ M (^>V\) ( L5 )comes with a natural action <strong>of</strong> the Lie algebra gl^r • This action <strong>of</strong> gl N may bereducible. The vector space (1.5) is non-zero, if and only if X k ^ Pk and X' k —p' k ^ Nfor each k = 1,2,...; see for instance [8].Denote by Ajv(Af) the centralizer <strong>of</strong> the subalgebra U(gl M ) C U(gljv+M)- Thecentralizer Ajv(Af ) c U(gljv +Af ) contains U(gl JV ) as a subalgebra, and acts naturallyin the vector space (1.5). This action is irreducible. For every AT, Olshanski [16]defined a homomorphism <strong>of</strong> associative algebras Y(gl JV ) —t Ajv(Af). Along withthe centre <strong>of</strong> the algebra U(gljv+M)) the image <strong>of</strong> this homomorphism generates thealgebra Ajv(Af). We use a version <strong>of</strong> this homomorphism, it is denoted by UMM-The subalgebra in Y(gl JV+M ) generated by Ty where i,j = 1, ...,N, bydefinitioncoincides with the Yangian Y(gl N ). Denote by 1, Xi > j > Pi} .

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