International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

International Congress of Mathematicians

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340 Richard Evan SchwartzThe reflection triangle groups are rigid in Isom(iì 3 ), in the sense that any twodiscrete embeddings <strong>of</strong> the same group are conjugate. We are going to replace H 3by CH", the complex hyperbolic plane. In this case, we get nontrivial deformations.These deformations provide an attractive problem, because they furnish some <strong>of</strong> thesimplest interesting examples in the still mysterious subject <strong>of</strong> complex hyperbolicdeformations. While some progress has been made in understanding these examples,there is still a lot unknown about them.In §2 we will give a rapid introduction to complex hyperbolic geometry. In§3 we will explain how to generate some complex hyperbolic triangle groups. In §4we will survey some results about these groups and in §5 we will present a morecomplete conjectural picture. In §6 we will indicate some <strong>of</strong> the techniques we usedin proving our results.2. The complex hyperbolic planeThe book [8] is an excellent general reference for complex hyperbolic geometry.Here are some <strong>of</strong> the basics.C 2 ' 1 is a copy <strong>of</strong> the vector space C 3 equipped with the Hermitian formn(U, V) = -u 3 v 3 + Y^ ujVj- (1)Here U = (u\,u 2 ,uz) and V = (v\,v 2 ,vz). A vector V is called negative, null, orpositive depending (in the obvious way) on the sign <strong>of</strong> (V, V). We denote the set <strong>of</strong>negative, null, and positive vectors, by A r _, N 0 and N + respectively.C" includes in complex projective space CP" as the affine patch <strong>of</strong> vectorswith nonzero last coordinate. Let [ ] : C 2 ' 1 — {0} —ï CP 2 be the projectivizationwhose formula, expressed in the affine patch, is3=1[(vi,v 2 ,v 3 )] = (vi/v 3 ,v 2 /v 3 ). (2)The complex hyperbolic plane, CH", is the projective image <strong>of</strong> the set <strong>of</strong> negativevectors in C 2 ' 1 . That is, CH 2 = [AT_]. The ideal boundary <strong>of</strong> CH 2 is the unitsphere S 3 = [N 0 ]- If [X],[F] £ CH n the complex hyperbolic distance ß([X],[F])satisfiesQ([X],[Y}) = 2cosh- 1 y/6(X7ni 6(X,Y) = j ^ ^ y j - (3)Here X and Y are arbitrary lifts <strong>of</strong> [X] and [Y]. See [8, 77]. The distance we definedis induced by an invariant Riemannian metric <strong>of</strong> sectional curvature pinched between— 1 and —4. This Riemannian metric is the real part <strong>of</strong> a Kahler metric.SU(2,1) is the Lie group <strong>of</strong> ( , ) preserving complex linear transformations.PU(2,1) is the projectivization <strong>of</strong> SU(2,1) and acts isometrically on CH". Themap SU(2,1) —t PU(2,1) is a 3-to-l Lie group homomorphism. The group <strong>of</strong>holomorphic isometries <strong>of</strong> CH" is exactly PU(2,1). The full group <strong>of</strong> isometries

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