surveying iii (topographic and geodetic surveys) - Modern Prepper

surveying iii (topographic and geodetic surveys) - Modern Prepper

surveying iii (topographic and geodetic surveys) - Modern Prepper


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strip as close as possible to its forward end, <strong>and</strong> make rear contact at this point. Use a pair of dividers<strong>and</strong> a millimeter scale to measure the distance between the two scratches on the rear metal strip. Addthis distance to the length of the baseline. This operation is known as setting forward or setup. Theopposite situation occurs when the forward graduations overshoot their post. This operation is known assetting backward or setback.(2) The recorder ensures that no blunders are committed, such as dropping or adding a tapelength or recording a half-tape length as a full tape. He must check the chalked numbers on each stakeas it is reached to ensure that he completes all the notes necessary for a definite <strong>and</strong> correct interpretationof the record. He must check the measurements of setups <strong>and</strong> setbacks <strong>and</strong> have the contact man checkthe entry in the record book.d. The front stretcher man applies the proper tension to the tape by means of a tape stretcher with aspring balance attached to the forward end of the tape (Figure 3-1). A tape stretcher consists of twostaves of steel tubing, pointed at the bottom, <strong>and</strong> wooden tops. A loose-fitting leather loop, with anattachment to receive the looped end of the tape, slips over the staff at the rear end of the tape. A framefor holding the spring balance is attached to the forward staff by means of a spring friction grip. Inmoving forward, the front stretcher man carries the front stretcher <strong>and</strong> balance, detached from the tape.As the tape is brought forward into position, he holds the spring balance hook in such a position that thetape can be quickly attached. As the tape is attached, he places the staff in line with the stakes, at theproper distance from the front stake, <strong>and</strong> applies the tension. The tension is applied rapidly at first <strong>and</strong> isincreased gradually as he nears the 15-kilogram point. Under tension, the tape must clear the top of theforward stake <strong>and</strong> not drag over it; otherwise, the full tension will not be transmitted throughout the tape.Figure 3-1. Tape Stretcher <strong>and</strong> Spring BalanceEN0593 3-6

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