Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...


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CENSUS RESULTS12The largest area of large scale farm was found inTanga (184,930 ha, 16.7%) followed by Morogoro(129,299 ha, 11.7%), Kagera (123,615 ha, 11.2%),Iringa (98,442 ha, 8.9%) <strong>and</strong> Kilimanjaro (88,713ha, 8.0%). These five regions contribute more thanhalf of the total area covered by large scale farms.The smallest area of large scale farms was found inDodoma, Tabora, Shinyanga, Singida <strong>and</strong> Dar esSalaam.<strong>Of</strong> the main large scale farm growing regions cropCrops Only Livestock Only Crops / LivestockRegiononly farming is more important in Tanga,Morogoro, Manyara, Arusha <strong>and</strong> Iringa that other types of farming. Livestock only large scale farms are more important inKagera, Pwani, Rukwa <strong>and</strong> Pwani than other typesChart 2.10: Distribution of L<strong>and</strong> by Type ofof farming. (Chart 2.9).Ownership 2002/032.2.2 L<strong>and</strong> Access/OwnershipArea (Ha)200,000150,000100,00050,0000TangaMorogoroArea underLease/Certificate ofOwnership, 1066668,96%Chart 2.9: Area Covered (Ha) by Type of <strong>Farm</strong>s by RegionKageraIringaKilimanjaroCoastManyaraRukwaArushaMbeyaRuvumaKigomaMtwaraLindiMwanzaMaraDodomaTaboraShinyangaSingidaDar es SalaamIn 2002/03, most large scale farms were underlease/certified ownership (96%). Only 2 percent ofthe area was under customary law whilst boughtl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> under compulsory acquisition wasone percent each. The l<strong>and</strong> area owned throughborrowing or rented from others was negligible(Chart 2.10).Area underCompulsoryAcquisition (govonly), 8908, 1%Area Borrowed fromothers, 3998, 0%Area under Lease/Certificate of OwnershipArea Bought (without lease) from othersArea Bo rro wed fro m o thersArea Rented fromothers, 1638, 0%Area used underCustomary Law,26761, 2%Area Bought(without lease) fromothers, 11387, 1%Area used under Customary LawArea Rented from othersArea under Compulsory Acquisition (gov only)This is different to the smallholder agriculture wherethere are very few with official titles.2.3 L<strong>and</strong> Use2.3.1 L<strong>and</strong> utilisation<strong>Of</strong> the total l<strong>and</strong> allocated to large scale farms, Kagerahas the largest area unutilized (70,796 ha, 57% of theallocated usable l<strong>and</strong>). This is followed by Tanga(33,579ha, 20%), Morogoro (11,325ha,10%) Mwanza(10,520ha, 75%) Arusha (9,423, 16%) <strong>and</strong> Iringa(9,197, 14%). The remaining regions have close to onehundred percent utilization of the usable l<strong>and</strong> areaallocated to large scale farms (Chart 2.11). farm. Dar esSalaam had the smallest area per farm (26 hectares perfarm).Tanzania <strong>Agriculture</strong> Sample Census – 2003L<strong>and</strong> Area200,000160,000120,00080,00040,0000Chart 2.11 Allocated usable l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Utilised l<strong>and</strong> by regionAllocated Usable L<strong>and</strong> Area L<strong>and</strong> Area Used Percentage UsedT angaKageraM orogoroKilim anjaroCoastRuk w aManyaraIringaArushaRuvumaM beyaKigom aM twaraM wanza MaraLindiDodom aTaboraShinyangaSingid aD ar es Sala am120100806040200Percen tag e u sedRegion

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