Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...


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CENSUS RESULTS55The sheep population in large scale farm farming hasincreased by 51.6 percent from 8,071 in 1994/95 to 12,236in 2002/03. The growth rate of the sheep population was5.34 percent per year for the period 1994/95 to 2002/03. Theincrease was experienced by all types of operators exceptthe Government Operators whereby the number decreasedby 8 percent from 717 sheep in 1994/95 to 657 sheep in2002/03. Other Operators had the highest increase of 230percent from 866 sheep in 1994/95 to 2,855 in 2002/03.Sheep N um berChart 2.140: Sheep Population Trend on <strong>Large</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Farm</strong>s14,00012,00010,0008,0006,0004,0002,00008,0711994/95 2002/03Year12,236The total number of improved sheep was 4,198 which is 34 percent of the total sheep population. Most of the improvedsheep was found in Kilimanjaro (53.2%) <strong>and</strong> Arusha (28.2%).Table 2.18: Number of <strong>Farm</strong>s Rearing Pigs by Herd Size3.1.4 Pig PopulationThe number of pigs kept by large scale farms inTanzania as of 1 st October 2003 was 10,186. Thesewere reared by 140 farms representing 11.6 percentof the total number of large scale farms <strong>and</strong> 23.9Herd SizeNumber of<strong>Farm</strong>s% of <strong>Farm</strong>sNumber ofPigs% of PigsAverage Per<strong>Farm</strong>< 20 35 25 410 4 1221 - 39 25 18 735 7 2941 - 59 21 15 986 10 4761 - 79 9 6 610 6 6881 - 99 14 10 1,252 12 89100 + 36 26 6,193 61 172Total 140 100 10,186 100 73percent of livestock keeping farms. The averagenumber of pigs per farm holding was 73.Chart 2.141: Pig Population Trend (<strong>Large</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Farm</strong>sThe pig population in large scale farms increased12,00010,054dramatically from 4,755 in 1994/95 to 10,186 in2002/03 (114% increase over the period) with agrowth rate of 10 percent per year (InPig Number8,0004,0004,755smallholdings the population increased over thesame period by 124% at the growth rate of 11% per01994/95 2002/03year). There were large numbers of farms rearingYearpigs with more than 100 head per farm (26%).These farms owned 61 percent of the total pigs inlarge scale farms.3,000Chart 2.142: Pig Popuilation by Region140120In large scale farms, the highest number of pigswas found in Dar es Salaam (24.8%), Ruvuma(18.0%), Iringa (15.3%) <strong>and</strong> Mbeya (9.5%). Thelowest number was found in Kigoma (0.2%) <strong>and</strong>Lindi (0.3%). There were no pigs in large scalefarms found in Dodoma, Shinyanga <strong>and</strong> Mara. Thehighest number of pigs per farm was found in Dares Salaam <strong>and</strong> Mtwara (Chart 2.142).Number2,0001,0000Dar es SalaamRuvumaIringaMbeyaKilimanjaroArushaMorogoroMtwaraTaboraCoastRukwaNumber of PigsTangaMwanzaManyaraKageraSingidaLindiKigomaDodomaShinyangaMaraNumber of Pigs per <strong>Farm</strong>10080604020Head per <strong>Farm</strong>0RegionTanzania <strong>Agriculture</strong> Sample Census – 2003

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