Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...


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CENSUS RESULTSKilimanjaro had the largest area irrigated (9,472ha) followed by Iringa (4,925 ha), Mbeya (4,868ha) <strong>and</strong> Morogoro (2,398 ha). The smallest areairrigated was found in Dar es Salaam, Tabora,Singida, Kigoma, Lindi <strong>and</strong> Kagera. The highestpercentage of area irrigated per irrigatable l<strong>and</strong> wasfound in Mara (124%), Mtwara (100%), Singida(100%), Tabora (96%) <strong>and</strong> Kilimanjaro (95%).,(Chart 2.74).2.7.2 Source of water used for irrigationThe main source of water used for irrigation isfrom rivers (63% of farms with irrigation), boreholes (11%), canal (10%) <strong>and</strong> dams (9%). Theproportion of farms that use wells <strong>and</strong> lakes assource of water for irrigation is very low (4% <strong>and</strong>3%).Irrigated Area (Ha)10,0009,0008,0007,0006,0005,0004,0003,0002,0001,0000KilimanjaroIringaMbeyaMorogoroChart 2.74: Planted Area with Irrigation by RegionManyaraArushaRuvumaTangaCoastShinyangaMaraMwanzaRegionIrrigated Area% Irrigated AreaRukwaDodomaMtwaraDar es SalaamTaboraSingidaKigomaLindiChart 2.75: Number of <strong>Farm</strong>s with Irrigation by Source of WaterRiver, 172, 63%Kagera140120100806040200Percentage Irrigation34<strong>Large</strong> scale farms that use rivers for irrigation arepredominantly in Kilimanjaro, Mbeya <strong>and</strong>Manyara regions. with 31(18%), 22(13%), <strong>and</strong>19(11%) of the farms in these regions using riversas source of water for irrigation respectively. Otherregions have a small number of farms using riversCanal, 28, 10%Well, 12, 4% Dam, 24, 9%Bore Hole, 29, 11%River Lake Dam Well Bore Hole Canalas a source of water for irrigation, however, this practice is absent in Tabora <strong>and</strong> Kagera regions.Lake, 9, 3%Boreholes are the second most important source of water for irrigation <strong>and</strong> were used by 29 large scale farms (11%). Coast<strong>and</strong> Dar es Salaam have the highest number of farmsChart 2.76: Number of <strong>Farm</strong>s with Irrigarion by Source of Irrigationusing bore holes as source of water for irrigation (4Water <strong>and</strong> Region40farms each, 13.8%) followed by Arusha <strong>and</strong> Tabora35with 3 farms (10.3%) each. This source of water wasnot used in Tanga, Lindi, Mbeya, Kigoma, Mara <strong>and</strong>302520Manyara.1510Canals are the third most important source of50irrigation water. They were used by 28 farms (10%).Most of them are in Arusha (8 farms, 28.6%)followed by Kilimanjaro <strong>and</strong> Ruvuma with 4 farmsRegions(14.3%) each. Other sources of water for irrigationRiver Lake Dam Well Bore Hole Canalare: dams 24 farms (9%); wells 12 farms (4%) <strong>and</strong> lakes 9 farms (3%), (Chart 2.76).Number of <strong>Farm</strong>sArushaKilimanjaroIringaMbeyaRuvumaManyaraMwanzaMorogoroDar es SalaamTangaCoastTaboraKigom aRukwaShinyangaM araDodom aSingidaLindiMtwaraKageraTanzania <strong>Agriculture</strong> Sample Census – 2003

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