Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...


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CENSUS RESULTS2.15.2 HarvestersThere are 287 harvesters on large scale farms. Withgrain harvesters being the most common followedby forage harvesters. The number of workingharvesters on the owners farm is 192 representing66.9 of the total harvesters. There are 74 (25.8%)repairable harvesters <strong>and</strong> 21 (7.3%) rented toothers (Table 2.11).Table 2.11: Number of Harvesters in <strong>Large</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Farm</strong>sType of ImplementNumberWorking%NumberRepairable%NumberRented%TotalNumber49Total %Grain/Maize/Rice Harvester 83 58.5 47 33.1 12 8.5 142 100.0Cotton Harvester 4 80.0 1 20.0 0 0.0 5 100.0Forage Harvester Machines 53 77.9 14 20.6 1 1.5 68 100.0Potatoes/Root Crop Harvester 5 55.6 4 44.4 0 0.0 9 100.0Other Harvesters 47 74.6 8 12.7 8 12.7 63 100.0Total 192 66.9 74 25.8 21 7.3 287 100.0The highest number of harvesters are found inManyara (59, 20.6%) followed by Iringa (44,15.3%), Arusha (42, 14.6%), Mbeya (33, 11.5%)<strong>and</strong> Kilimanjaro (31, 10.8%). Other regions have amoderate number of harvesters except Dodoma <strong>and</strong>Lindi which had the smallest number. Dar esSalaam, Shinyanga, Kagera, Mwanza <strong>and</strong> Kigomahave no harvesters (Chart 2.124).2.15.3 PloughsThere are 1,624 ploughs on large scale farms. Mostof them are in working order (1,184, 72.9%) while338 (20.8%) are not working but repairable <strong>and</strong>102 (6.3%) are rented to others. Out of the totalnumber of ploughs, 75 percent are disc ploughs <strong>and</strong>25 percent are mouldboard ploughs (Table 2.12).Percent of Harvesters25. 2.12: Number of Ploughs in <strong>Large</strong> <strong>Scale</strong> <strong>Farm</strong>sType of ImplementChart 2.124: Percentage Distribution of Harvesters by Region15.314.6ManyaraIringa11.510.88.0ArushaMbeyaKilimanjaroMorogoroSingidaTangaNumberWorking3. es SalaamNumberRented%ShinyangaKageraMwanzaKigomaTotalNumberTotal %Disc Plough 874 72.1 257 21.2 82 6.8 1,213 100.0Mouldboard Plough 310 75.4 81 19.7 20 4.9 411 100.0Total 1,184 72.9 338 20.8 102 6.3 1,624 100Manyara has the highest number of ploughs (318,19.6%) followed by Arusha (231, 14.2%),Kilimanjaro (166 ,10.2%), Morogoro (137, 8.4%)<strong>and</strong> Iringa (131, 8.1%). The smallest numbers arefound in Dodoma, Lindi, Kigoma, Dar es Salaam<strong>and</strong> Kagera.Percentage of Ploughs25. 2.125: Percentage Distribution of Ploughs by Region14. es SalaamKageraTanzania <strong>Agriculture</strong> Sample Census – 2003

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