Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...

Large Scale Farm Report - Ministry Of Agriculture, Food and ...


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CENSUS RESULTS20- BarleyThe number of large scale farms growingbarley during the long rainy season was 15farms <strong>and</strong> 5 in the short rainy season. Thisrepresents 0.9 percent of the total cropgrowing farms during long rainy season <strong>and</strong>0.9 percent in the short rainy season. The totalproduction of barley during the census yearwas 11,589 tonnes. Production has increasedby 471 percent from 2,028 tonnes harvested in1994/95 to 11,589 tonnes harvested in2002/03. The yield increased from 0.8 tonnesArea ( Ha)7,0006,0005,0004,0003,0002,0001,0000Chart 2.34: Time Series of Barley Planted Area <strong>and</strong> Yield1994/95 2002/03<strong>Agriculture</strong> Year21. ( T/H a)per hectare in 1994/95 to 1.8 tonnes perhectare in 2002/03 (Chart 2.34). The increaseArea (Ha)Yield (T/Ha)in production is mainly due to an increase inthe planted area but also to an increase inproductivity.80.0Chart 2.35: Percent of Barley Area Planted of Total L<strong>and</strong> with Barley byRegion6.00Barley is mainly produced by large scale farmsfound in four regions. Kilimanjaro has thelargest area planted with barley covering 4,900hectares (75.2%) followed by Manyara with1,243 (19.1%). The smallest area planted withbarley was found in Iringa with 26 hectares(0.4%). The highest proportion of l<strong>and</strong> withbarley in the country is also found inKilimanjaro (Chart 2.35).The area planted per barley growing farm isgreater in Kilimanjaro <strong>and</strong> Manyara. Arusha<strong>and</strong> Iringa had small area planted per farm.Other seventeen regions had no large scalefarms planted with barley (Chart 2.36).Percent of Total A reaPlanted80060060. aTangaMorogoroCoastDar es Salaam LindiMtwaraRuvumaPercent of L<strong>and</strong> PlantedMbeyaSingidaTaboraRukwaKigomaShinyangaKageraMwanzaChart 2.36: Area Planted per Barley Growing <strong>Farm</strong> by Region(Long Rainy Season Only)622Mara5. A rea of Total L<strong>and</strong>A reaProportion of Total L<strong>and</strong>- SorghumThe number of large scale farms growingsorghum during the long rainy season was36 farms <strong>and</strong> 21 in the short rainy season.This represents 2.2 percent of the total cropgrowing farms during long rainy season <strong>and</strong>3.8 percent in the short rainy season. Thetotal production of sorghum during theTanzania <strong>Agriculture</strong> Sample Census – 2003A rea per <strong>Farm</strong>4002000KilimanjaroManyaraArusha42 13IringaDodomaTangaMorogoroCoastDar es Salaam LindiMtwaraRuvumaMbeyaSingidaRegionTaboraRukwaKigomaShinyangaKageraMwanzaMara

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