Improving Quality of Life for Older People in Long-Stay Care ...

Improving Quality of Life for Older People in Long-Stay Care ...

Improving Quality of Life for Older People in Long-Stay Care ...

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how important it was that residents’ clothes were appropriate and matched.Staff respondents described how they personally bought clothes or toiletries <strong>for</strong>residents who had little.Table 9.4: Clothes and wash<strong>in</strong>g and groom<strong>in</strong>gClothes and laundryThe girls br<strong>in</strong>gs allmy clothes home andwashes them andbr<strong>in</strong>gs me <strong>in</strong> whateverI want. I just tell themand they get it <strong>for</strong> me.(GN2 Resident 02,Public)Int: And whatabout your clothesand th<strong>in</strong>gs?They’re washed.They’ve a washeteriahere and I have to sortout my clothes becauseI don’t like lett<strong>in</strong>g mygood th<strong>in</strong>gs go.Int: So sometimesthey lose the clothes,do they?No, they shr<strong>in</strong>k them.(YW5 Resident 02,Private)They have nice clothesand if they haven’t wek<strong>in</strong>d <strong>of</strong> all, you know,if we have the oddpatient that justwouldn’t have thatmuch clothes, wepersonally br<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>th<strong>in</strong>gs to them, likeblouses and tops andthat. (YW4 RegisteredNurse 02, Private)Wash<strong>in</strong>g and groom<strong>in</strong>gOh yeah, the hairdresser comes <strong>in</strong>, hairdresser comes <strong>in</strong>whenever I want you know, get a perm whenever I wantit. It would want to be done aga<strong>in</strong>. I like a good shape onmy hair; that’s the way I like it. (PK3 Resident 11, Public)I love my bath.Int: You love your bath?Yes, I love my bath, yes, look <strong>for</strong>ward to it.Int: Is that once a day, or once a week?Fortnight, but I th<strong>in</strong>k we could have it weekly.Int: That would be your preference.Yes, weekly. (PK3 Resident 02, Public)Int: Are there enough bathrooms?We need more. … Most people who want to do theirshowers, that is, <strong>in</strong> the morn<strong>in</strong>gs, and you see queues,actually <strong>for</strong> the bathrooms. We have two shower roomsand a bathroom. That is all, it’s not enough. … And weare rush<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> and out and you might stay a little bit butbe<strong>for</strong>e you go someone else is there (laugh). Sometimesit’s upsett<strong>in</strong>g. You get so upset. (GN1 Registered Nurse01, Public)When I came <strong>in</strong> here, the second day, no, the second dayI was here, I was <strong>in</strong> me room … and this young fella wasstand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the corner and, and eh, and the nurse came<strong>in</strong> and she says ‘take <strong>of</strong>f your’, she says ‘you have a showertoday’. … I said ‘I’m not tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>f my clothes, he has toleave’. She said, ‘you don’t have to bother about him’,she says ‘you have got to take <strong>of</strong>f your clothes and getwashed, get your shower’. So I done it and I threw allthe clothes up <strong>in</strong> the corner. (YW5 Resident 03, Private)A funny little man was <strong>in</strong> here a while ago and I had a sorebottom … (the sister recommended some cream). … Nextday the cream came and the funny little man who lookedafter me, about five foot noth<strong>in</strong>g, bald, just a funny littleman, he said ‘what was it’, so I showed it to him … and hesaid … ‘you br<strong>in</strong>g your bum and put it on the bed there andI will use it (the cream) <strong>for</strong> you’. Well now, I felt mortified,but on the other hand, how mortified does he feel?(YW2 Resident 01, Private)173

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