Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution


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112 • The <strong>Making</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>German</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong>addition to his Rechtsalterthümer, which was one <strong>of</strong> the most influential legal works<strong>of</strong> the early period, Jacob published several articles in <strong>German</strong> legal journals, andhis Weisthümer (1840–1842) supplied a history <strong>of</strong> legal precedents and findings <strong>of</strong>law by the Schöffengerichte, which liberals held up as paragons <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> liberty.Increasingly, following Jacob’s legal writings, precedents, maxims and principlesfrom what became known as an ancient free epoch were linked to contemporary folkcustoms and also deemed a prescriptive basis <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> liberties. Liberals respectedand looked to Jacob, not only for his work on <strong>German</strong> folklore and the history <strong>of</strong><strong>German</strong> language, but for his contribution to <strong>German</strong> legal history. Indeed, he waselected president <strong>of</strong> both <strong>German</strong>isten conferences that were held in Lübeck andFrankfurt in 1846 and 1847, respectively.In the first edition <strong>of</strong> the ZGR, along with articles by Eichhorn and others, Grimmpublished an article which introduced the idea <strong>of</strong> a Lebendigkeit (organic relationship)between the common folklore alive amongst the people in the <strong>German</strong> countrysideand ancient <strong>German</strong> liberties. 78 In ‘Ueber eine eigene altgermanische Weise derMordsühne’ (1815), Jacob’s discussion <strong>of</strong> ancient <strong>German</strong> customs (altgermanischeWeisen) was his first attempt to <strong>of</strong>fer a statement on prescriptive <strong>German</strong> rights.Using common folklore and language as his sources, he argued for the prescriptiveright <strong>of</strong> persons to tort claims in instances <strong>of</strong> loss or damage to private property. Agood example <strong>of</strong> this is his Tale <strong>of</strong> Otr.According to an old wise tale, the farmer Hreidmar lived with his three sons, Fahnir, Otr,Regin and his two daughters, Lyngheid and Lohnheid. As his name already implied, Otrtransformed himself into an Otter and dashed into a stream to catch fish. One day whileOtr sat on the bank <strong>of</strong> the stream, eating a salmon in just a blink <strong>of</strong> an eye, from up theroad along came three hunters (Asen) named Loki, Odin and Hönir. Spying the contentOtter, Loki took and cast a stone, killing the resting Otter. Very pleased with his kill,he skinned the animal and carried on. Oh! But much to their surprise the next morning,they found it necessary to make an urgent trip to Hreidmar’s house and without knowinganything about Otr’s close relatives. Soon after they arrived, Hreidmar and his sons recognizedthe skin and laid hands on the young hunter, desiring an answer for the murder<strong>of</strong> their loved one, Otr. 79According to Jacob’s account, Hreidmar and his sons detained Loki, while his fellowhunters secured gold to cover the loss <strong>of</strong> Otr. And so it followed ‘in the poetic language’,he wrote, the terms Ottersgeltung and Asennothgeld. Accordingly, Jacob arguedthat lutra and lytra could be translated as Otter and when joined to the termlytrum, one found the root <strong>of</strong> the legal concept <strong>of</strong> Lösegeld (money damages for tortclaims).As Murray Peppard writes, the Grimm brothers’ interest in <strong>German</strong> folklore wasdriven by the belief that they contained remnants <strong>of</strong> ancient <strong>German</strong> law and liberties.80 These notions had been given social scientific legitimacy by Vico’s Scienza

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