Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution


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228 • The <strong>Making</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>German</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong>for socialist constitutionalism. Engels directly contradicted Grimm’s philologicalfindings on the meaning <strong>of</strong> the term ‘woman’, writing: ‘among Langobards and Burgundianswe find ... the term fara, which Grimm derives from the hypothetical rootfi san, to beget’. 69 In opposition to this view, fara was linked to the ‘more obviousroot, faran, fahren’. 70 This, in his reasoning, was essentially the equivalent <strong>of</strong> theGreek genos and the Latin gens, an indication <strong>of</strong> the existence <strong>of</strong> genealogiae, characterizedby the collective living and communal ownership <strong>of</strong> property.From Engels and Marx, Bach<strong>of</strong>en’s theory <strong>of</strong> law permeated the rise <strong>of</strong> socialdemocratic political thought in <strong>German</strong>y. Eduard Bernstein, Karl Kautsky, RosaLuxembourg, Clara Zetkin, Lily Braun, Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebelwere all well versed on the importance <strong>of</strong> Bach<strong>of</strong>en. In his pamphlet Socialism,Liebknecht identified prostitution as the contemporary example <strong>of</strong> sex-labor exploitation.‘Thanks to the wrong conditions <strong>of</strong> society and the State’, he wrote, ‘womanis today without rights and in countless cases is condemned to wedded and unweddedprostitution’. 71 The politics <strong>of</strong> sex, however, was explicitly clear in Socialism.‘The intercourse <strong>of</strong> the sexes is unnatural and immoral’, he wrote, and ‘socialismwill bring the emancipation <strong>of</strong> woman as well as <strong>of</strong> man.’ 72 ‘It’, he stated, ‘insistson her complete political and social equality and equal position with man,’ and ‘itwill destroy prostitution, whether it walk ashamed under the mantle <strong>of</strong> marriagefor wealth or convenience, or whether it run shameless painted and naked upon thestreet.’ 73 While prostitution in socialist ideology was seen as the modern manifestation<strong>of</strong> sex-labor exploitation, as we see in Liebknecht, civil marriage was also seenas a form <strong>of</strong> property ownership <strong>of</strong> women and sex-labor exploitation. Sex was exploitativebecause it was a right <strong>of</strong> men and an obligation <strong>of</strong> women.Kautsky, who was recognized as the intellectual heir to Engels, was also thefounder <strong>of</strong> the leading Marxist journal, Die Neue Zeit. In the spring <strong>of</strong> 1881, he alsoundertook a detailed study <strong>of</strong> the works <strong>of</strong> both Bach<strong>of</strong>en and Morgan. 74 These worksvery much influenced his Die Entstehung der Ehe und der Familie, which appearedtwo years later in 1883. Clara Zetkin’s essay ‘Die Arbeiterinnen- und Frauenfrageder Gegenwart’ (1889) was based on her reading <strong>of</strong> Bach<strong>of</strong>en as well as Morganand Engels. 75 Developed from her reading <strong>of</strong> Das Mutterrecht, her work showed adialectical view <strong>of</strong> evolution and the likening <strong>of</strong> matriarchy with primitive communism.76 Following the work <strong>of</strong> Morgan and Engels, however, Bach<strong>of</strong>en figured mostprominently in August Bebel’s Die Frau und der Sozialismus (1879).August Bebel’s political history as the leader <strong>of</strong> the Social Democratic Party hasbeen duly considered by scholars. My interest here is in the ideological connectionbetween Bach<strong>of</strong>en and Bebel as a means <strong>of</strong> explaining the centrality <strong>of</strong> gender in<strong>German</strong> social democracy as metaphor for the redistribution <strong>of</strong> property and power.Richard Evans has described Die Frau und der Sozialismus as Bebel’s ‘lifework’,but scholars <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> history have clearly struggled with the pivotal place genderoccupied in his book. 77 Traditional intellectual historians tend to divide Bebel’spolitical development into pre-Marxist and Marxist periods, arguing that Die Frau

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