Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution


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Images <strong>of</strong> the Gemeinwesen • 113Nuova, which had reacted against Cartesian metaphysics and demanded greater consideration<strong>of</strong> spiritual and intangible elements. The Tale <strong>of</strong> Otr, a folk tale from timeout <strong>of</strong> mind, was a testament to ancient custom and was used to argue the right tomoney damages for loss <strong>of</strong> private property. The moral <strong>of</strong> the story was that the ancient<strong>German</strong>s possessed private property rights and that these rights were part <strong>of</strong> anentailed estate, a prescriptive and inborn constitution. In his ‘Von der Poesie im Recht’(1816), published in the second edition <strong>of</strong> the ZGR, Jacob invested <strong>German</strong> poetrywith the same legal authority. Here, he emphasized the spiritual and symbolic origins<strong>of</strong> law. He suggested that folk poetry and that which could be derived from ‘the mouthand customs <strong>of</strong> our common man’ was a living witness to an ancient constitution. 81Jacob’s legal scholarship, and arguably the Hausmärchen and Wörterbuch, involvednothing less than the formation <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> völkische lex regia, and the underlyingclaim was that although it may not have existed in theory, it had thrived inordinary practice. In point <strong>of</strong> fact, disclosing the political element and discoveringthe data for a system was a rather dubious project. However much legal historiansmay have believed themselves to be engaged in a scientific endeavor, the appeal tocustom, as a source <strong>of</strong> data, disclosed that the political element was more a product<strong>of</strong> liberal political imagination than objective science. Time and again the historicaldata seemed, peculiarly, to bear witness to the sociopolitical system that liberalswished to bring into existence. Nowhere is this questionable aspect <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> jurisprudencemore apparent than in Jacob’s major work, Rechtsalterthümer. He ‘heldhis Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer in higher regard than any <strong>of</strong> his other works’ andconsidered it to be ‘a draft foundation’ for future legislation, as Andreas Heusler andRudolf Hübner wrote a generation later. 82While Eichhorn and Mittermaier had relied on written legal sources, Jacob expandedthe pool <strong>of</strong> customary law sources to include mythology, folklore, poetryand the like. ‘On every corner’, Jacob wrote in Rechtsalterthümer, ‘I find sproutsfor growth.’ 83 Celebrating Möser’s Patriotische Phantasien, where he had called forthe organic development <strong>of</strong> the state and its institutions, Jacob argued for the revival<strong>of</strong> ‘deutsche Rechtsantiquare’. 84 The progress <strong>of</strong> legal antiquarianism, however, led<strong>German</strong> jurisprudence down a somewhat precarious path. Legal antiquarians vestedthe rights <strong>of</strong> the people in remoter and still remoter periods in the <strong>German</strong> past, whileat the same time asserting that the evidence <strong>of</strong> the continuous usage and expression<strong>of</strong> ancient liberties could be found in the living and inarticulate Volk culture<strong>of</strong> their own time. The data collected for the vaterländiches Recht was purportedto have deep roots in a free epoch <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> antiquity, an era well before the rise<strong>of</strong> absolutist monarchs. The vaterländisches Recht, accordingly, was prescriptive,beyond the power <strong>of</strong> personal rulers to abolish or annul, and, therefore was availableto be reclaimed by the <strong>German</strong> people at any time. Jacob had loosened the bands onlegal history and freed liberals from written legal sources. As Wieacker once wrote,following the publication <strong>of</strong> Rechtsalterthümer, <strong>German</strong>ists dedicated themselves torediscovering ‘the law <strong>of</strong> the <strong>German</strong>y <strong>of</strong> yore’. 85

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