Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution


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114 • The <strong>Making</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>German</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong>Jacob praised Eichhorn for his contribution to <strong>German</strong> legal history and for inauguratinga new era in the study <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> legal sources. He explained that legal antiquariansand traditional <strong>German</strong>ists, like Eichhorn, were in agreement relative to therecovery <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> legal sources as a critical phase in the development <strong>of</strong> a <strong>German</strong>system. 86 ‘In antiquity’, however, Grimm argued, ‘everything was expressed spiritually(sinnlich)’, whereas ‘in modern times, everything had gathered itself togetherintellectually (geistig)’. 87 The key distinction between traditional <strong>German</strong>ists andthe new ‘school <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> legal antiquity (schule deutscher rechtsantiquare)’ wasthat antiquarian research would also focus on the ‘materials <strong>of</strong> the spiritual element(sinnliche element) in <strong>German</strong> legal history’. 88 ‘In particular’, Jacob argued, ‘thelegal precedents <strong>of</strong> the lay judges (Weisthümer) on <strong>German</strong> rights, in their high wisdomand content’ were, in fact, ‘totally comparable with the common folk languageand folksongs’ <strong>of</strong> the people. 89 ‘In addition’, he added, this school would engage,not only jurists, but ‘antiquarians’ working on ‘language, poetry and the history <strong>of</strong>our ancestors’, generally. 90 ‘The experiment <strong>of</strong> a primary work in this sense’, heexplained, is to <strong>of</strong>fer ‘more oil than salt’, and his Rechtsalterthümer <strong>of</strong>fered ‘a workfull <strong>of</strong> materials’. 91A critical dimension <strong>of</strong> the nineteenth-century project <strong>of</strong> recovering the vaterländischesRecht involved not only the discovery <strong>of</strong> the data for a system, but thethinking <strong>of</strong> that data into a system, as we have seen. While historians have tended t<strong>of</strong>ocus exclusively on Roman law, in reality, there were many systematic treatments<strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> legal sources in the period, all <strong>of</strong> which, remarkably, seemed to confirmthe efficacy <strong>of</strong> liberal political ideals. This was evident in Mittermaier’s work,Eichhorn’s System des deutschen Privatrechts and, to a lesser degree, in Savigny’sSystem des heutigen römischen Rechts (1840). Jacob’s Rechtsalterthümer was noexception to this direction in <strong>German</strong> jurisprudence. It also <strong>of</strong>fered a similar image<strong>of</strong> a <strong>German</strong> Gemeinwesen, but one confirmed by a systematization <strong>of</strong> the sinnlicheelement <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> legal history. It must be emphasized, however, that, while it drewdata from this element, it nevertheless sustained the political elements found in Mittermaierand Eichhorn’s systems and elsewhere in <strong>German</strong> legal thought. What madeit unique was its attempt to appeal to popular culture and popular language style. Inthis way, Rechtsalterthümer laid the critical foundation for building a popular constitutionalismaccessible to ordinary <strong>German</strong>s and also set the stage for the broadermobilization <strong>of</strong> intellectuals working in other areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>German</strong> cultural expression.As I mentioned earlier, the rise <strong>of</strong> the historical school marked the growth <strong>of</strong> aspecifically north <strong>German</strong> customary law constitutionalism, and nowhere was thisstated more clearly than in Rechtsalterthümer. It was marked by the solemnization<strong>of</strong> the Sachsenspiegel, which <strong>German</strong> liberals brandished as the source <strong>of</strong> ancientliberties. Grimm’s usage <strong>of</strong> the term ‘Recht’, rather than ‘Gesetz’, pointed towardthe primacy <strong>of</strong> politics and, as he stated, the term ‘deutsch’ specifically referred to‘northern and Anglo-Saxon sources’. 92 Jacob also expressed the widespread politicalobjections against the ius commune as a source <strong>of</strong> legal rules in <strong>German</strong>-speaking

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