Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution


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290 • IndexBürgerliche Geseztbuch für das KönigreichSachsen (BGBS, 1863), 150 – 4, 233Bürgerliche <strong>Revolution</strong>, 4, 5, 12, 14 –15,19 – 20, 184, 189, 205, 220, 231, 238,240 –1, 251, 253, 257, 260 –3Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch für das DeutscheReich (BGB, 1896), 1– 5, 8, 11, 13,18 –21, 61, 71–2, 108, 141, 147,150 –1, 157, 159, 167–9, 172, 174 –5,181, 184, 189 – 90, 194, 198, 201–12,219 –20, 230 – 42, 251, 257, 259 – 63Burgfrieden, 260Burke, Edmund, 16, 61, 77– 9, 83, 104Caligula, 196canon law, 29, 31–3, 36 – 42, 44 – 5, 69,71, 253capacity (for rights), 108, 120, 174, 201–2,204, 209, 211, 233Carl Eugen (Duke <strong>of</strong> Württemberg),49–50, 65Carlsbad Decrees, 121, 131, 171Casino Party, 137Christ, Anton, 131–2, 136, 146 –7Church (Latin), 29 – 42, 48, 69, 253city-state culture, 28civic humanism, 16, 29, 41civil marriage, 87– 8, 152–3, 156 –7, 169,205, 228civil rights, 81, 104 – 6, 153, 192, 232– 4,237, 260Civilistische Magazin, 72classical common law theory, 72, 76 – 9, 83classical <strong>German</strong> customary law, 110Clauswitz, Carl von, 67commercial law, 18, 101, 123, 147–50concurrent jurisdiction, 33, 36Confédération du Rhin, 68Conring, Hermann, 44 –7constitutional transformation, idea <strong>of</strong>,2 – 4constitutionsancient <strong>German</strong>, 20, 113, 115 –16Deutsche Reich, 2, 4 – 6, 13 –14, 18, 20,154, 158 – 9, 189 – 90, 192–201,203 – 4, 212, 219 – 20, 251–2,258 – 9, 262–3document <strong>of</strong> 1849, 18, 142– 4, 156,159, 257English, 78, 109French, 57, 71, 79Guardianship Court, 232Hanover, 131, 133, 141–2, 154 –5, 189Holy Roman Empire, 47–51Länder (state), 5, 48, 84, 167, 254local (municipal), 69 –70, 82, 107– 8,171, 253 – 4, 256Prussia, 9, 132Roman, 73, 87– 9, 99, 102 – 6,254 –5Saxony, 159Weimar, 5, 21, 209, 220, 240 –2Conversations-Lexikon, 115courts <strong>of</strong> lawCelle Court <strong>of</strong> Appeals, 180 –2, 193ecclesiastical courts, 29, 33 – 4, 36, 40,42, 175Oberverwaltungsgericht (Prussian),9 –11Stade Municipal Court, 181customary law constitutionalism, 83, 90,100, 109 –11, 114, 141, 255Dahlmann, Friedrich, 17, 134, 136,141–2, 256Daniels, Heinrich, 147Davies, Sir John, 77De falso credita et ementita Constantinidonatione declamtione, 38Dernberg, Heinrich, 219Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer, 111– 16, 139,167, 202, 209, 211, 256Die Frau und der Sozialismus (1879),228 –30Die Neue Zeit, 228Discursus novus de imperatoreRomano-<strong>German</strong>ico, 45 – 6Dresden Draft, 150dual conception <strong>of</strong> law (tradition), 27, 29,36, 38, 42, 51, 58, 62, 64, 73

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