Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution

Making of a German Constitution : a Slow Revolution


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236 • The <strong>Making</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>German</strong> <strong>Constitution</strong>evident in the Güterrechtsregister for Gießen. Regina Schmieg made her intentionsabsolutely clear in her agreement with her husband, setting down ‘völlige Gütertrennung’.131In addition to women, workers also perceived the negative effects <strong>of</strong> the Code.An article, ‘Curiosités juridiques le nouveau code allemand’, which appeared in the1 February 1901 edition <strong>of</strong> Indépendence Belge <strong>of</strong>fered a telling expose on theBGB. It echoed the sentiments <strong>of</strong> many when it pointed out that the Code favoredthe interests <strong>of</strong> the commercial sector and employers over the interests <strong>of</strong> others.In particular, the author explained that employers ‘could demand that an employeesign a written contract (Engagementvertrag) as to the duration and quality <strong>of</strong> his (orher) services’. 132 Moreover, concerning associations, the Code hindered the organization<strong>of</strong> the very groups and persons it rigorously discriminated against. The articlecomplained that commercial associations were granted ‘juristic capacity’ and ‘civilpersonality’ on the basis <strong>of</strong> simple application, while all others faced considerablemeasures designed to discourage membership, such as the requirement to providethe state with the names <strong>of</strong> their members. 133 Association discrimination remained areality until the passage a new associations law in 1908.Articles in the <strong>German</strong> press spoke out against these provisions and others, pointingout that the Code produced new quarrels in <strong>German</strong> society. Only seven monthsafter the BGB’s introduction, the Kölnische Zeitung reported, ‘a certain legal insecurityhas beset, not only the public, but also the legal advisors to the public.’ 134The Code, it reported, ‘has already produced dozens <strong>of</strong> new Streitfragen,’ includingdissatisfaction with divorce and associations laws as well as the regulation <strong>of</strong> servicerelationships. 135 ‘We hope that this painful period <strong>of</strong> transition we find ourselvesin the middle <strong>of</strong>,’ the article closed ‘if at all possible, is nearing its end and wecan delight without reservation in our legal unity.’ 136 The Allgemeine Zeitung alsoreported that the BGB’s introduction was the source <strong>of</strong> considerable Streitigkeitenover the regulation <strong>of</strong> tenancy and the rights <strong>of</strong> workers and service people. 137 TheBerliner Neueste Nachrichten followed suit, reporting that there was particular dissatisfactionwith marital property relations, the denial <strong>of</strong> mütterliche Gewalt and thedivorce provisions, which reinstated fault as the basis for divorce. 138 In the matter<strong>of</strong> divorce, the article complained that the BGB represented regression to the daysbefore the ALR, a ‘set-back (Rückschritt) <strong>of</strong> over a century’. 139‘Curiosité juridiques’ also captured the fact that the BGB created new categories<strong>of</strong> disaffected persons. ‘According to the classic conception’, it reported, ‘marriageis a petite reflection <strong>of</strong> an absolute monarchy; today, the woman is not situated anybetter as the companion <strong>of</strong> the man.’ 140 Anita Augsburg’s reaction published in DieFrauenbewegung <strong>of</strong>fered a stinging criticism <strong>of</strong> the Code as well. It read:On the one hand, it effects legal discrimination against every single woman as a person,which finds expression in the family and marriage laws. On the other hand, it is not only

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