Malawi 2015-16




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LA<br />

LAM<br />

LLIN<br />

LPG<br />

MAD<br />

MDHS<br />

MICS<br />

PPHC<br />

MMR<br />

MTCT<br />

NAC<br />

NAR<br />

NMCP<br />

NSO<br />

NSP<br />

ORS<br />

ORT<br />

PCV<br />

PHIA<br />

PMTCT<br />

PRMR<br />

PSU<br />

RHF<br />

RUFT<br />

RV<br />

SD<br />

SDM<br />

SE<br />

SEA<br />

SP<br />

STD<br />

STI<br />

TB<br />

TFR<br />

UNAIDS<br />

UNFPA<br />

UNICEF<br />

USAID<br />

VAD<br />

VIP<br />

VMMC<br />

WHO<br />

lumefantrine-artemether<br />

lactational amenorrhoea method<br />

long-lasting insecticidal net<br />

liquid petroleum gas<br />

minimum acceptable diet<br />

<strong>Malawi</strong> Demographic and Health Surveys<br />

Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys<br />

<strong>Malawi</strong> population and housing census<br />

maternal mortality ratio<br />

mother-to-child transmission<br />

National Aids Commission<br />

net attendance ratio<br />

National Malaria Control Programme<br />

National Statistical Office<br />

National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan<br />

oral rehydration salts<br />

oral rehydration therapy<br />

pneumococcal conjugate vaccine<br />

Population-based HIV Impact Assessment<br />

prevention of mother-to-child transmission<br />

pregnancy-related mortality ratio<br />

primary sampling unit<br />

recommended home fluids<br />

ready-to-use therapeutic food<br />

rotavirus vaccine<br />

standard deviation<br />

standard days method<br />

standard error<br />

standard enumeration area<br />

Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamin<br />

sexually-transmitted disease<br />

sexually transmitted infection<br />

tuberculosis<br />

total fertility rate<br />

United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS<br />

United Nations Population Fund<br />

United Nations Children’s Fund<br />

United States Agency for International Development<br />

vitamin A deficiency<br />

ventilated improved pit<br />

voluntary medical male circumcision<br />

World Health Organization<br />

xxiv • Acronyms and Abbreviations

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