Dear Readers, In this special “Family Holidays” issue, Travellive will tell you of a father and mother who left their busy lives to take their young daughter on a whirlwind journey across Vietnam. The family saw the mountains, the sea, and everything in between as they traveled from the easternmost point of the country—the Dai Lanh headland, to the southernmost—the Ca Mau headland. They enjoyed sites, tastes, and experiences from all of Vietnam’s different regions. Their romantic story can inspire other parents who want to share their love of traveling with their children. What about you? If you dream of showing your young ones the world through travel, make these dreams come true! The experiences shared in the article “A Family Trip Across Vietnam” offer advice on how to make your family trip successful. Families of outdoor enthusiasts have a wide range of vacation destination options this summer season. Perhaps you’ll try glamping, which embellishes the traditional rustic camping experience with modern comforts and conveniences. Or maybe you’ll broaden your children’s worldview by showing them the lively animated worlds of Asia’s internationally leading amusement parks. We wish you and your family a holiday full of energy and joy as you journey forth to explore your own promised lands. Editorial board

Dear Readers,
In this special “Family Holidays” issue, Travellive will tell you of a father and mother who left their busy lives to take their young daughter on a whirlwind journey across Vietnam. The family saw the mountains, the sea, and everything in between as they traveled from the easternmost point of the country—the Dai Lanh headland, to the southernmost—the Ca Mau headland. They enjoyed sites, tastes, and experiences from all of Vietnam’s different regions.
Their romantic story can inspire other parents who want to share their love of traveling with their children. What about you? If you dream of showing your young ones the world through travel, make these dreams come true! The experiences shared in the article “A Family Trip Across Vietnam” offer advice on how to make your family trip successful.
Families of outdoor enthusiasts have a wide range of vacation destination options this summer season. Perhaps you’ll try glamping, which embellishes the traditional rustic camping experience with modern comforts and conveniences. Or maybe you’ll broaden your children’s worldview by showing them the lively animated worlds of Asia’s internationally leading amusement parks.
We wish you and your family a holiday full of energy and joy as you journey forth to explore your own promised lands.
Editorial board


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family'sdestinations Bµi: Pan Banana Ånh: nhi“u t∏c gi∂<br />

Cæm trπi kh´ng ph∂i lÛc nµo cÚng ÆÂng<br />

ngh‹a vÌi vi÷c thi’u ti÷n nghi hay s˘ ƨn<br />

s¨, lµ nh˜ng buÊi tËi chfiu muÁi ÆËt, hay<br />

th¯c dÀy nˆa Æm v◊ n≠Ìc m≠a rÿ vµo l“u.<br />

GiÍ Æ©y, bπn sœ quen d«n vÌi h◊nh th¯c<br />

cæm trπi theo chu»n sang tr‰ng vµ ti÷n<br />

nghi, vÌi ki”u tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi: Glamping<br />

(*). Nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh cæm trπi xa hoa<br />

Æang lµ xu h≠Ìng nghÿ d≠Ïng c˘c hot trn<br />

th’ giÌi, vµ d«n trÎ thµnh xu h≠Ìng Æ≠Óc<br />

giÌi trŒ Vi÷t Nam ≠a chuÈng.<br />


Sœ thÀt tuy÷t vÍi khi nªm dµi trong c®n l“u<br />

gÁ lÈng l…y, c„ b” b¨i ring, ngæm nh◊n<br />

hoµng h´n bu´ng xuËng mnh m´ng gi˜a<br />

sa mπc trËng tr∂i tπi C∏c Ti”u v≠¨ng quËc<br />

Å RÀp thËng nh†t. Hay ngæm c∂nh bªng<br />

khinh kh› c«u, kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi th∂o<br />

nguyn v“ Æm, th¯c dÀy bn c∏c ÆÈng vÀt<br />

hoang d∑ ngoµi cˆa l“u gi˜a khu rıng b∂o<br />

tÂn Masai Mara tπi Kenya. ß„ lµ nh˜ng<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÈc nh†t v´ nhfi tı Glamping.<br />

ThÀm ch›, mÈt sË khu glamping nh≠<br />

Warwick Castle, l©u Ƶi nÊi ti’ng Î V≠¨ng<br />

quËc Anh, cfln Æ≠a du kh∏ch trÎ v“ qu∏<br />

kh¯, h‰c Ɔu ki’m, bæn cung vµ nghÿ<br />

d≠Ïng nh≠ mÈt thµnh vin hoµng gia<br />

trong nh˜ng chi’c l“u ki”u qu˝ tÈc thÍi<br />

Trung cÊ.<br />

N’u bπn th›ch camping<br />

- cæm trπi vÌi l“u bπt<br />

gi˜a thin nhin cÔng<br />

hÈi bπn bÃ, vµ v…n muËn<br />

h≠Îng thÙ dch vÙ hπng<br />

sang nh≠ Î resort 5<br />

sao, th◊ glamping - mÈt<br />

h◊nh th¯c cæm trπi xa<br />

hoa h¨n sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n<br />

l˝ t≠Îng cho bπn trong<br />

mÔa hà nµy.<br />

Ti÷n ›ch, vÀt ch†t th’ nµo mÌi ÆÛng<br />

"chu»n" xa hoa cÒa glamping th◊ v…n cfln<br />

nhi“u tranh c∑i. Th’ nh≠ng d‘ th†y Æi”m<br />

Æ∆c tr≠ng nh†t cÒa Glamping lµ nh˜ng<br />

chi’c cabin, nhµ c©y, igloo, tipi, l“u sang<br />

tr‰ng lu´n Æ≠Óc trang hoµng lÈng l…y tı<br />

thi’t k’ bn ngoµi Æ’n nÈi th†t bn trong.<br />

ô Æ©y c„ c∂ toilet ring, vµ chi’c l“u lu´n<br />

Æ≠Óc b∂o v÷ k¸ cµng Æ” chËng n≠Ìc, lˆa,<br />

c´n trÔng, hπn ch’ nh˜ng b†t ti÷n.<br />

4<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

(*) Glamping: tı k’t hÓp gi˜a<br />

glamorous vµ camping, ngh‹a lµ cæm<br />

trπi theo chu»n sang tr‰ng

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