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about you. “I’m game if you are.”

More silence.

“All right, I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s play.” I shifted in my seat, angling

my body to my left side. “Why am I here? Let’s see … am I here to protect

you from a crazy ex-girlfriend?” Basic, but I had to start somewhere. “You

look like a man who would attract crazy.”

He looked at me sideways, his forehead wrinkling. “What’s that supposed

to mean?” He shook his head, returning his gaze to the road. “You know

what? I don’t want to know.”

“Okay, fine. I guess that was a no. No crazy exes.” I brought my index

finger to my chin. “Hmm … if it’s not protection you need”—I tapped my

finger—“am I here to make someone jealous?”

“No,” he answered quickly.

“Are you sure?” I wiggled my eyebrows. “No former lover you want to

get back at? Show the one who got away what she’s missing? Rekindle your

love story?”

“I said, no exes.” His shoulders rose with tension.

“Okay, okay, I got it. Calm down, Blackford. Don’t get your panties in a


I watched his lips twitch. In anger or humor, I didn’t know.

“I don’t know,” I continued, enjoying myself far too much. “If it’s not

that, then—oh! Is it unrequited love then? It is, isn’t it?” I brought my hands

together in front of my chest. “It’s gotta be someone unaware of your longing

puppy eyes. No, wait. I don’t think you are capable of pulling off puppy

eyes.” I tilted my head, something occurring to me. “You know that you can’t

go around, giving women the cold eye if you are interested in them, right? I

know puppy eyes was going a bit too far for you, but if there is someone out

there who awakens that stone cold heart of yours—”

“No,” he fired back, cutting me off. “You are not here for any of that.” He

inhaled deeply, his chest rising. Then, he puffed out the air. “I don’t like to

play games, Catalina.”

My hands dropped to my lap. “This particular game or … games in

general?” I paused, wondering where his reaction had come from. “Or are we

talking about sexy games? Like seduction games?”

My lips snapped shut as soon as I heard my own words.

I couldn’t believe I had said that. To Aaron.

Neither could he, apparently, because he let out a … noise that I had the

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