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“Football? The one with the helmets and the melon-like ball?” I asked

instead, keeping my voice as flat as possible.

I wasn’t a sports doofus, but I was European. I needed to be sure we were

talking about the same sport.

“Yes, not soccer. The one with the melon.” He nodded. “I played back

home in Seattle, where I went to college.”

“Seattle,” I repeated, chewing on this new piece of information he had

given me. More. I wanted just a little more. “That’s Washington up north,

right? I know because of Twilight. Forks is supposed to be a few hours

away.” I kind of regretted mentioning Twilight, but beggars couldn’t be

choosers, and besides the few places I had visited, my knowledge on

American geography was based on books and movies.

“That’s the one,” he said, his shoulders relaxing down. Just an inch.

Which in Aaron’s language meant green light for more questions.

“So, this thing we are going to tonight, does it have to do with your

football days then?”

Aaron nodded. “I’m still invited to some events. Because I played, but

mostly because of my family’s involvement in the NCAA,” he explained,

driving us along one of the wide avenues in Manhattan. “Once a year, a

charity event for an association of animal welfare is hosted here in New

York, and a number of personalities attend.”

“Are you one of those personalities?” I’d have to Google what the NCAA

was later, but I had a feeling there was something he wasn’t telling me. “Oh

my God, Aaron Blackford, are you telling me you come from, like, a long

line of football royals?”

Aaron’s brows knit. “Catalina.”

In pure Aaron fashion, that was all the answer I got.

“Will your family be there tonight then?”

“No,” he said, his profile hardening for a heartbeat and confirming my


I guessed I’d have to Google that too.

“Tonight’s event is for raising money that will eventually go to shelter,

rehabilitate, and find homes for rescued animals in New York. I attend

whenever I’m able to. It’s good to see a few people I’ve known for most of

my life, and it’s for a cause I care about.”

I immediately forgot about whatever it was that he wasn’t telling me

about his family. Aaron cared about the welfare of animals? About rescuing

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