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mostly flat. Still.

“Boisterous? I was merely going to brush the floor. Very delicately, mind


“You are a ridiculous, impossible woman, you know that?”

I knew, and I was ready to admit that, but then Aaron went ahead and

gave me that grin I had been craving. His lips split, and his mouth gave way

to a handsome smile that changed his face completely. One that I had seen

only once before and that made my heart go all crazy in my chest. My eyes

probably twinkled too.

He was right; I was ridiculous. This whole thing was so very ridiculous.

“Hey, guys.” Daniel’s voice came from somewhere nearby, tearing

through the moment and causing the little happy cloud I had been in to

vanish. “Food is on the table, and we are all about to start. Come on.”

As I heard what I assumed were Daniel’s footsteps walking away, I knew

my grin had extinguished.

Had that moment we had shared been all for Daniel and everybody else’s


Probably. No, most certainly. That was what couples did. Playful touches,

wide smiles, heated glances.

And that made me feel … a little dumb. Made his smile worth a little less.

And made mine a very foolish one.

I guessed it was a good thing that Aaron’s handsome grin had

disappeared too. Although, even with Daniel there, his gaze had never left

mine. And it didn’t either when his arms shifted the hold on my waist and

slid me down his body. Or so I told myself because as I went down, my

eyelids might have fluttered, making it hard for me to see much as I was

pressed against each hard plane, bulge, and slab there was in Aaron’s chest.

My legs landed on the ground without much confidence. Dizzy by the

overwhelming sensation dancing down my body, I was grateful for Aaron’s

hands remaining on my waist.

Once he seemed sure I wouldn’t topple down, he retrieved them. But not

without tugging a little strand of hair that had come out of my ponytail first.

My heart proceeded to do the toppling down in that moment.

Even more so when his head dipped slowly. “Not bad for a Greek god,

huh?” His voice was not nearly as playful as a few moments ago. Right

before Daniel had burst my bubble. But Aaron accompanied that with a wink.

That drew a tiny little smile out of me, and I had to shake my head to hide

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