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He came, he came, he came.

He tilted his head. “Are you o—”

Before he could finish formulating that question, I landed on his chest

with an oomph. Then, I wrapped my arms around him the best I could. “You

came.” The words were muffled against the soft fabric of whatever he was

wearing. His chest was warm and wide and snuggly, and for a second, I

didn’t want to give a damn about how I had plunked myself onto him or how

embarrassed I’d be about it later.

Because for better or for worse, I was hugging Aaron.

And he … he wasn’t returning the embrace, but he was letting me. With

his arms hanging on his sides, just where they had been when I launched

myself at him. His chest wasn’t moving much either. It felt a lot like hugging

a marble sculpture, unyielding and hardened under my cheek, only that it

pounded with a heartbeat. The latter being the only sign that I had not

shocked him into cardiac arrest.

Because besides that, Aaron remained completely still.

Taking one step back very slowly, I gazed up.

Okay, so he looked like a statue too. Perhaps I had broken him with my


That would explain why he was barely blinking as he stared at me for a

long moment.

Time in which the last minute started settling in. Desperately, I searched

my mind for something to say, anything to excuse my brief and temporary

madness that had resulted in me launching my body at his. I came up empty.

He finally broke the silence. “You thought I wasn’t coming.”

A part of me didn’t want to admit it. Even when it was pretty obvious.

Aaron continued, accusation in his voice, “You hugged me because you

thought I wasn’t coming.” His gaze was searching. As if he couldn’t believe

or understand what had just happened. “You’ve never hugged me before.”

I stepped further back, fumbling with my hands and feeling a little

overwhelmed by the way he was looking at me. “I don’t think it computes as

a hug when one of the parties remains like a wooden stick, Captain Not So

Obvious.” I decided right then that in my head, it hadn’t been a hug. “Plus,

you were late, and you never are, so what did you expect me to think?”

As I backed away some more, putting the right amount of space between

our bodies, my gaze finally managed to take him in completely. From head to

toe. And … yeah, from toe to head too. Because the soft fabric that had been

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