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as I tried really hard to shove away the way I was feeling.

You are fine, I told myself. Ignore that stupid, crushing sensation you

have no business feeling and go check in your bags.

The last thing I wanted to do was board that plane alone, but I would do

it. I would face my family—and Daniel and his fiancée and the past I had left

behind—and the consequences of my lie with my head held high. And I’d do

it on my own as much as I had allowed myself in the last forty-eight hours to

trust I’d be doing it with someone by my side.

Dios. How had I let this happen? How had Aaron Blackford made himself

indispensable in my life?

Bracing my hands on my hips, I remained where I was for what I

promised myself would be one last minute. And just to be thorough, I vowed

to myself again that I’d be fine.

The pressure building behind my eyes? Nerves. Going home had always

filled me with equal parts of joy and remorse. With as much nostalgia as the

pain that came with the memories. That was why I didn’t go back all that


But that did not matter. I was a big girl. Before Aaron, the plan had

always been to do this on my own, so that was what I’d be doing.

With one shaky exhale, I emptied my head and chest from every thought

and fleeting emotion, and I let my arms drop from my hips as I reached for

my bags.

Ya está bien. Time to go. Hell waits for no—

“Catalina,” a deep voice I’d thought I’d never be glad—not just glad, but

also relieved, happy, freaking elated—to hear said behind me.

Closing my eyes, I gave myself a moment to get rid of the swirl of

overjoyed and inappropriate emotions I had unsuccessfully tried to push

away less than a heartbeat ago.

Aaron is here. He came.

Swallowing hard, I pressed my lips together.

I’m not alone. He is here.

“Catalina?” he called one more time.

Turning very slowly, I couldn’t stop my mouth from finally shaping into

what I knew was a wobbly smile. One that probably gave away every single

emotion fighting to burst out of me.

Aaron’s frown welcomed me, and I swore I had never been so happy to

see that stubborn knot that wrinkled his brows together.

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