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I held him into mine. My body curled into his lap, and his palm cupped the

nape of my neck.

“I’m so sorry, Aaron,” I breathed into the skin between his shoulder and

the underside of his jaw. “For everything. For your dad and for not being

here, by your side, earlier. How is he? Have you seen him?”

I felt his throat swallow against my temple.

“He’s …” Aaron shook his head. “I have seen him, but he’s been out of it

all this time. I just …” He trailed off, sounding exhausted. Defeated. “Are

you really here, baby?” he repeated, holding me tighter. “Or is this my

imagination playing tricks on me? I haven’t slept in … I don’t know how

many days. Two? Three?”

“I’m here. I’m right here.” I lifted my head and moved, so I could cup his

face, take a good look at that face I had been so set on despising and now

loved so much. “And I’m going to take care of you.”

His eyes fluttered closed, and I heard a strangled sound coming from his


“I love you, Aaron. You shouldn’t be alone—ever. And I am the one

meant to be with you. Here. Holding your hand.”

His eyes remained closed, his jaw pressed tightly.

“Let me do it. Let me prove to you that I trust you and that I can earn

your trust back. That I am the one who’s supposed to be by your side right

now and as long as you’ll let me.”

“You want to do that?”

“Yes,” I rushed out quickly. “Yes, yes. Of course I want to,” I repeated.

“I need to,” I whispered, not trusting my voice. “Let me be here for you. Take

care of you.”

His eyes opened, our gazes connecting. After a long moment, a pained

chuckle rose to his lips. “You drive me so fucking crazy, Lina. I don’t think

you understand.”

One of his hands latched on to my wrist as I still cupped his face

desperately. I was ready to fight. I was ready to beg if it was necessary.

“You came all the way here. You …” He trailed off, disbelief crumpling

his face. “How did you even find me?”

“I had to come to you.” My fingers trailed down the side of his neck, my

palm settling against the warm skin. “I remembered everything you’d told

me. About Seattle, your dad being somewhat known here. So, I Googled your

last name, the university football team, the coaching staff. Then, I looked for

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