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It didn’t matter because my eyelids fell immediately shut.

For the first time in my life, I did exactly as Aaron had said without

putting up a fight. Not a single bone in my body was willing to do anything

else but follow his directions. Letting him show me whatever he was after.

Taking the weight of answering his question off my hands.

Eyes closed, I felt him stepping closer, his proximity like a warm blanket

I wanted to wrap myself in.

With each lingering moment that passed, where I waited, every other

sense gradually heightened. I could hear my heavy breathing, feel my chest

heaving up and down, sense the way my blood was being pumped through

my body, reaching my temples with growing intensity. I could feel the

warmth radiating off Aaron’s large body in waves that seemed to be in

perfect sync with my heartbeat.

And as his silence crowded the space between us, I kept waiting. In the

darkness that had swallowed me, I anticipated his words, his touch, his next

move like I had never anticipated anything in my life. Like I was ready to

come out of my skin if he didn’t follow up that first command. Hating and

relishing in every second that separated me from whatever was going to come


“Once, I told you I was patient.” Aaron’s breath fell on my temple,

sending a rush of sensation along the back of my neck. “That I wasn’t scared

to work hard for what I wanted.”

Closer. He was much closer than I’d thought, his proximity warming my

skin even though not a part of our bodies touched. I could change that. I only

needed to lift my hand, and I could be brushing those lips that were so close

to my ear with my fingers. Or I could push him away and end this torture.

But then he continued, “I might not have been completely honest.”

I did neither of those two things. My hand didn’t reach out or push him

away. Instead, I let the anticipation simmer in my blood. I let him take that

choice away from me. And just as if he could read me like an open book, he

did exactly that.

His lips finally brushed the skin right beneath my ear, triggering an

outbreak of shivers that ran down my body, not sparing a single inch of flesh.

“It’s becoming really hard to make myself wait.” Another pass of his lips

over the same patch of skin. “You are very close to driving me out of my


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