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“And you did.”

“Thanks,” I muttered. My mind filing away all kinds of complaints. “It’s

not that big of a deal.”

Aaron cleared his throat lightly. “It is,” he said softly. So much that I

thought he had said it just for me. But then he kept going, “Lina leads a

considerably large team of people in one of the most successful engineering

consulting companies in New York. That is, by all standards, a big deal.”

“Wow.” Daniel smiled tightly. “That’s amazing, Lina. It is.” His lips

turned somewhat more relaxed. “Congratulations.”

I muttered my thanks, still feeling flushed over Aaron’s words.

There was a long and awkward moment of silence, and then Daniel’s eyes

bounced quickly between Aaron and me. “So, this is him, huh? The

American boyfriend.”

My head reared back, shocked by Daniel’s word choice. With my

shoulders tensing, my mouth opened with the intention of asking what that

had been, but I felt Aaron’s hand trailing up my back, stopping at the nook

between my shoulder and my neck. His thumb brushed the skin there very

gently. That touch—that thumb caressing the side of my neck—almost made

me forget about who was in front of me and what he had said or if he had

talked at all. His finger swiped right and left one more time, making a shiver

run down my spine.

Closing my eyes briefly, I pulled myself back into the conversation and

decided to ignore Daniel’s last comment. “Congratulations on the

engagement.” I made my lips tug up. “I’m very happy for you, Daniel.”

Daniel’s eyes, which had been somewhere where Aaron’s palm was, met

mine. He nodded and flashed that dimple I had been so familiar with in the

past. “Thank you, Lina. I’m extremely grateful she said yes. It’s not that easy

to deal with me sometimes. I get lost in my head a lot when I’m working,” he

said, slipping his hands in his pockets. “Well, no need to explain that to you.

You know that already.”

Yes, I did. Everybody here knew I did too. He hadn’t needed to point that

out. Not after downgrading our past to old friends.

My fake boyfriend’s palm spread and shifted down my shoulder, his

fingers trailing down my arm and reaching my hand. It was so very

distracting, the way he touched me. And yet, he managed to keep me

grounded, all at once. Every time my head had threatened to roam away,

Aaron had pulled me right back before my feet could lift off the floor. Those

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