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person I wanted to chat with at the moment.

Jesus, how did he manage to do that? He showed up, and in the span of a

few minutes just—

I shook my head.

“Why do you even care?” I snapped.

I watched him flinch. Only slightly but I was almost sure he had.

Immediately feeling like a jerk, I brought my hands to my face as I tried

to calm myself.

“Sorry,” I whispered. “I’m a little … stressed. What do you want,

Aaron?” I asked him, softening my voice and fixing my eyes somewhere on

my desk. Anywhere but on him. I didn’t want to face him and give him a

chance to see me this … unsettled. I hated the idea of him seeing me at my

lowest. If it wouldn’t be completely inappropriate, I would drop to the floor,

crawl under my desk, and hide from him.

Given that I refused to look at him, I could only notice the difference in

his tone when he said, “I printed out some more documents you can use for

one of the workshops we outlined.” His voice was almost gentle. For

someone like Aaron, that was. “I left them on your desk.”


My gaze tracked down the wooden surface, finding them, and I felt like

an even bigger jerk.

That emotion churned in my gut, turning into something way too close to

helplessness for me to feel any better.

“Thanks,” I muttered, massaging my temples with my fingers and closing

my eyes. “You could have just sent them by email.” Maybe that way, all this

could have been avoided.

“You highlight everything by hand.”

I did. When something required my full focus, I needed to print it on

paper and then review it with a highlighter in hand. But how … oh hell. It

didn’t matter that Aaron had somehow noticed. He probably had because it

was a waste of paper or bad for the environment anyway. And that didn’t

change that I was still a jerk for snapping at him like that.

“You are right, I do. That was …” I trailed off, keeping my gaze on the

desk. “That was nice of you. I’ll go through them over the weekend.”

Still not lifting my head to look at him, I reached for the thin stack and

placed it in front of me.

A long moment passed where neither of us spoke.

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