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My palms started sweating. My sister was onto something. And I needed

to start talking, give her anything.

I downed the contents of my glass in one single gulp—exactly how

tradition specified too.

“Fine, okay.” I placed my empty glass on the table. “All right, so the day

Aaron and I met …” I started, my eyes unconsciously jumping to Aaron’s

face and finding him looking at me with a new kind of interest. I returned my

gaze to Isabel. “It was a cold and dark November 22—” I stopped myself,

feeling the need to explain why I remembered the date so accurately. “I

remember because it was the day of my birthday, not because—” I stopped

myself again. Then, I shook my head. I had barely started, and I was doing an

awful job already. This was why I should never, ever lie. “Anyway, it was


Aaron’s hand brushed my back very softly. The touch unsettled me at

first, but then it magically instilled confidence in me. Just how he had done

earlier that day. How he managed to do that, I couldn’t know. But when he

moved his fingers over the fabric of my thin blouse, right above my shoulder

blades, I felt a little less like a fraud.

“But that isn’t important, I guess,” I continued, and I had to clear my

voice lightly because it had come out a little shaky. “When I first met Aaron,

it was the day he was introduced as a new team leader by our boss.”

Aaron’s touch turned loose and airy, and then it stopped altogether.

Trying to keep my head on the story and away from the dainty trail of

goose bumps he’d left on my skin, I continued, “He entered through that

door, all cold confidence and determination. Looking larger than life with

those long legs and broad shoulders, and I swear everybody in that meeting

room fell into silence. I could immediately tell he’d be that kind of man

everybody … respected—for lack of a better word—without more than a

word or two. Just by the way he looked around, assessing the situation. As if

he were looking for possible threats and coming up with a way to eliminate

them before they could manifest. And even then, everyone seemed to be

charmed by the new guy.”

I remembered perfectly how everyone had first gaped at the handsome

and stern new addition and then silently nodded in appreciation and awe. Me

included at first. I’d never admit it, but back then, I had gotten as far as

thinking I could let that deep voice of his lure me to sleep every night, and I’d

be content for the rest of my days.

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