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the present.

I turned to him briefly, not finding my words so I just nodded.

My attention jumped back to where my ex—and the best man—was, and

as I watched how he hugged and clapped his brother’s back, I felt Aaron

stepping closer to me. I didn’t move. I was rooted to the floor.

Aaron closed some more of the distance between us, positioning himself

to my side, right behind me. And I was shocked at the warmth that his body

radiated on my back and how his side quashed some of the uneasiness. It

reassured me. He did. And I didn’t understand how or why, but I didn’t have

the time to pick that apart. Not with Daniel and everybody else there. So, I

just held on to it.

I inhaled deeply and watched how the best man started the round of

greeting everyone with kisses and hugs. Around the group he went, and I

swore there was something suspended in the air as he did. As if every single

person around me was holding their breath until the moment Daniel reached


Hating how the atmosphere seemed to thicken with every pair of eyes that

turned to me, I reminded myself that I had already been expecting that kind

of reaction. Everybody knew what had happened between Daniel and me.

How ugly it got and how hard it was for me. And most had pitied me back

then. I knew most of them did in this moment, and some always would.

Daniel took that one last step in my direction, causing a churning

sensation to twist my stomach in knots.


It had been ages since I had heard my name from Daniel’s mouth. It

brought everything right back, the good moments we had shared—and there

had been really amazing moments—all that joy that came hand in hand with a

first love you foolishly thought was going to last forever, but also all the pain

at having that turned into an ocean of hurt. Because, sure, Daniel had been

the one to break my heart, but the real damage had been done by everybody

else. By everyone who had learned of our relationship and tarnished it with

stupid and poisonous rumors that—

No. Not the time to think of that.

Daniel placed a hand on my upper arm and planted a kiss on my cheek. If

it hadn’t been for Aaron’s warm palm, which had somehow landed on the

small of my back, I would have stumbled backward. That was how off guard

that friendly kiss had caught me.

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