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hands, which had fallen out of his pockets and rested by his sides.

“I won’t do that, Catalina,” I heard him say. “Not even if you really

pushed me to, and I know that you can.”

I had the feeling that he had purposely said that with sarcasm. Just

enough to bait me into snapping back. But for some reason, I didn’t. His

words felt sincere. But I just … couldn’t know if he meant it. It was really

hard for me to get past our history. All the jabs, nudges, and shoves. All the

small ways we had made sure the other one didn’t forget how much we

disliked each other.

“Whatever you say, Blackford.” I didn’t sound like I believed myself, but

it’d have to do. “I don’t have time for this.” Whatever this was, I wasn’t sure

anymore. I brought my hand to the side of my neck and massaged that spot

absently. “Just … make yourself at home. I’ll see what I can find for this

fundraiser we are attending.”

I walked to where he was standing, his large frame blocking the opening

that gave way to my living area. Coming to a halt a step before him, I looked

up and arched an eyebrow, asking him without words to please move.

Aaron’s head towered over my short height, staring down at me, his eyes

flying all over my face. Down my throat and around my neck. Right where

my fingers had massaged my skin a moment ago.

His eyes returned to mine with something I didn’t recognize in his blue


We stood close, my bare toes almost touching the point of his polished

shoes. And I felt my breathing increase its pace at the realization. My chest

moved up and down more quickly with every second I was under Aaron’s


Refusing to look away, I held his stare.

Leaning my head back, I couldn’t help but notice that he felt larger than

ever. As if his frame had expanded a couple of sizes more. Seeming much

taller and bigger than me, all clad in that tux that had the power to turn him

into someone I was finding hard not to look at. Not to drink up every detail

that sparked with this newness he seemed to be carrying around today.

Aaron’s tongue peeked out and traveled along his bottom lip, driving my

gaze to his mouth. His full lips shone under the light of my kitchen.

My skin started turning too warm beneath the fabric of my stupid robe.

Standing this close, I was feeling too hot, seeing too much of him, noticing

way too many things at once.

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