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the way to the room, and the realization that I hadn’t made a part of my

bravado scatter away. This was the only living family Aaron had left, and I

was about to meet him. And I … I suddenly tumbled a little under the

importance of the moment. I wished it could have been under different

circumstances, that there was more time, or that I was sure about what to say,

how to handle this situation so everything went as well as it could.

But there wasn’t time. This was what we had. What Aaron and his dad

had. And even if a little scared or uneasy, I was humbled that Aaron wanted

to share it with me.

“There’s someone here to see you, Richard,” the nurse announced into the

room and then looked over at us. His smile inched up. “I’ll be back in a few

minutes, okay?”

Aaron took a step forward, and I remained a little behind him. Letting

him have this moment to himself.

“Son,” the man perched on the bed said in a raspy voice.

I looked over at him and found the ghost of the features I knew so well.

The hard jaw, the way both brows met, that intent and confidence about

them. It was all there, although faded and worn.

“You are still here,” Aaron’s dad said. And I could hear the surprise in his


“Dad,” I heard Aaron answer, and the grip of his hand on mine tightened.

“Of course I’m still here. And there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

Blue eyes that looked in our direction from the bed trailed behind Aaron

with curiosity.

“Hi, Mr. Blackford.” I smiled at him, feeling Aaron’s hand leave mine

and fall on my shoulders. “I’m Catalina, and I’m happy to finally meet you.”

Aaron’s dad didn’t return the smile, not completely. But his eyes told a

different story. Just like I had seen his son do so many times. All under lock

and key. “Call me Richard, please.” His gaze searched my face, something

akin to wonder slowly seeping in. “Is this her, son?”

The question caught me by surprise, and so I glanced back at Aaron. I

found him staring at his dad with a mirroring expression. Then, his profile


“I wasn’t sure you were listening,” he said almost absently. Then, his arm

brought me closer to him, as if tucking me into him were nothing more than a

reflex. “Yes, this is her,” he answered louder, and my breath hitched in my

chest. “The woman I told you all about.”

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