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bed. Both of us.” I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. “That’s

not what I’m worried about.” And that wasn’t a complete lie. I knew that

Aaron would gladly sleep with half his body hanging off that bed if I so much

as looked slightly uncomfortable. Hell, he’d sleep on the floor if I let him.

“I’m just …” I shook my head, not knowing how to finish that statement. Not

daring to.

It’s not you in bed with me that I’m scared of, I wanted to tell him. It’s me

and everything that’s going on inside my head and that stupid organ in the

center of my chest—that’s what I’m scared of. It’s me and what I could

possibly let myself do, what I’m terrified of. It’s this whole charade we have

been executing that is messing with everything I thought I knew.

It hadn’t even been a day since we had landed in Spain, and I felt like

everything between Aaron and me had changed more in twenty hours than it

ever had in almost two years.

How could that be possible?

“Tell me what’s going on inside your head; you can trust me.” He lifted

his free hand and cupped my face in his palm. “Let me show you that you can

trust me.”

Oh God, I wanted to let him do that. Badly.

But it felt like jumping off a cliff. Bold. Too reckless. It petrified me.

Meeting his gaze, I realized I could drown in the blue of his eyes if I

allowed myself to. Which only fueled my fear. Long gone was that block of

ice I had preached about a handful of minutes ago. That simple gesture—his

warm hand cupping my cheek—melted me to the ground. Dissolved me into

nothing more than water. He had that power over me.

“I don’t know how.” I leaned my face into his palm. Just for a heartbeat.

That was all I allowed myself.

Then, Aaron’s touch was gone, and the forgotten clothes that I still held

under one arm were snagged out of my grip. He placed them somewhere else.

The floor, the dresser, the bed—I didn’t know, and I didn’t care. Not when a

very particular emotion had solidified in his gaze. Determination.

Deep in my gut, I knew he was going to show me that I could trust him.

That perhaps I could jump, and it would be okay. That maybe he wouldn’t let

me drown like I felt I would.

Something settled in the air around us. Something thick and sultry

changed the atmosphere in the small room.

“Close your eyes,” he requested. Although it hadn’t been a question. Not

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