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Aaron’s forehead fell on mine. I watched his chest heave, hauling air in

and out of his lungs with effort. Just like mine was doing. And we remained

in silence for a long moment, surrounded by only the sound of our wild and

unrestrained breathing.

“You called me Lina.” Out of everything that had just happened, that was

what my foggy brain decided to go with. “You never do. You only have


Still resting on my forehead, Aaron’s head shook against mine. Very

briefly. Then, a breathy laugh reached my ears. It made me smile.

But that part of my brain that was supposed to work out all the rational

reasoning came back to life, wiping that smile off my face.

Holy shit. We almost kissed.

Aaron had warned me he’d kiss me, and then he almost had. The man

whose arms and body were currently caging me against a wardrobe had

tortured me with his fingertips, his mouth, and then he had almost kissed me.

Right after he called me Lina. But—

“Oh my God,” I whispered. “What the hell was that noise?”

Aaron lifted his head slightly, just enough for me to be able to watch how

his eyes traveled across my face, bouncing from every spot he had brushed

his lips over to the next, as if he couldn’t decide where to set camp.

Eventually stopping at my lips. Something that looked a lot like pain flashed

across his expression. “Your cousin, I hope.”


Of course. That … made sense.

Aaron sobered up slowly, his expression eventually going back to normal.

“I’ll go check,” he announced before ripping himself off me.

My body grieved the loss almost immediately, feeling cold and

unbalanced without him.

Willing my legs to remain strong, I limited myself to following Aaron’s

march to the door, feeling numb and all over the place. He looked back at me

right before he opened it.

“Catalina.” There it was again. Not Lina. Catalina. “I’m glad I didn’t kiss


Something halted in my chest.

“Why?” The word was nothing more than a shaky whisper.

“Because when I finally take those lips in mine, it will be the furthest

thing from pretending. I will not be showing you what it would be like if you

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