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even own a proper evening gown was probably not to his standards if he

looked so displeased.

I ignored the discomfort in the pit of my stomach and snatched the first

emotion that I could get ahold of. One that was extremely easy to summon

when it came to him. “Aaron Blackford,” I hissed, finding my voice. “What

in the world is wrong with you?!” My chest heaved up and down. “Don’t you

know how to knock?”

“I knocked.” His tone was hard, matching his expression. “Twice.” That

stupidly deep voice of his reverberated through my bathroom.

“I could have been naked, you know.”

Aaron shifted in front of me, not letting go of the knob. His large fingers

gripping it in a way that made me wonder if it would give out under the


“But you are not,” he said, voice still hard. “You are definitely not


My gaze shot from his hand to his face. Just in time to watch how those

two blue eyes jumped to my shoulders, traveled along my neck, and then

returned to my eyes. His expression clouded further as we looked at each

other for a long moment.

My palms started sweating, the longer neither of us said anything.

Jesus, what is even happening?

My heart raced faster, the more the air filled up with a tension I didn’t


It was almost suffocating. Much more than earlier in the kitchen. So

much that I felt how my guard came down, all kinds of thoughts assaulting

my mind with nothing to stop the bruising.

“Is there …” I broke the silence. My voice coming out breathy. “Is there

anything wrong?”

He shook his head. Just once. His eyes bounced down my body again

very quickly. “You found a gown.”

“I did,” I admitted, looking down briefly. “It’s been such a long time

since I last went on a date that I forgot it was even there.” I watched his

expression take on a new edge, making me feel incredibly stupid for saying

something like that. “Well, that doesn’t matter. Not that I’d wear this to any

date anyway, I guess. It’s the only one I have, so I hope it’s okay.”

I passed my sweaty palms along my thighs, stopping myself at the

prospect of messing with the fabric.

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