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I reared back, shock etched on my face. “One of my what?”

As I watched the light blush rise in her cheeks, my surprise only grew

when she said, “The one who surfs and has a Belgian shepherd? He is kind of


“Dreamy?” None of my savage cousins could ever be considered dreamy.

Rosie’s cheeks turned a darker shade of red.

How the hell is my friend acquainted with one of the members of the

Martín clan? Unless …

“Lucas?” I sputtered, immediately remembering that I had shown her a

few of his Instagram stories. But it had all been because of Taco, his dog. Not

because of him. “Lucas, the one with the buzzed head?”

My friend nodded casually, shrugging her shoulders.

“You are too good for Lucas,” I hissed. “I’ll let you take part in the

kidnapping of his dog though. Taco is also too good for him.”

“Taco.” Rosie giggled. “That’s such an adorable name.”

“Rosie, no.” I retrieved my hand and reached for my bottle of water.


“No, what?” Her smile was still there. Hanging on to her lips as she

thought of my cousin, I supposed, in ways that—

“No. Ew. Yikes, woman. He is a barbarian, a brute. He has no manners.

Stop daydreaming of my cousin.” I took a cleansing gulp of water. “Stop, or

I’ll be forced to tell you some horror stories from our childhood, and in the

process, I’ll probably ruin the male specimen for you.”

My friend’s shoulders fell. “If you must … not that it would help my case

anyway. I don’t think I need extra assistance for that.” She paused, sighing

sadly. Making me want to reach out again and tell her that her prince would

eventually show up. She just needed to stop picking up only the assholes. My

relatives included. “But before that, we can actually talk about your horror


Oh. That.

“I already told you everything about it.” My gaze fell to my hands as I

played with the label on the bottle. “I gave you a play-by-play recap. From

the moment I blurted out to my parents that I was dating a man who doesn’t

exist to the moment I somehow made my mom believe his name was Aaron

because of a certain blue-eyed jerk who had appeared out of thin air.” I

scratched harder, ripping the label completely off the plastic surface. “What

else do you want to know?”

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