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I done the same and convinced myself of that because he had hurt me?

“Why?” The question left my lips in a whisper, for him but also for


“Because it was all you were willing to give me. And I’d rather have you

hating me than not have you at all.”

My body trembled; it shuddered under the weight of his words. With the

truth underneath the ones rising to my lips.

Love. It had to be love—the uproar causing havoc in my chest.

Realization grew in me as quickly as lightning hit the ground.

“I didn’t hate you,” I breathed. “As much as I wanted to, I don’t think I

ever did. I was just … hurt. Perhaps because I had always wanted you to like

me, and you made me believe you didn’t.”

Something flashed across Aaron’s face. The space between our mouths

crackling with electricity and an emotion I had never, ever felt before.

“I want your heart, Catalina.” Both of his hands rose to my shoulders,

trailing up my neck and cupping my face. “I want it for myself, just how I

have given you mine.”

It’s yours, you beautiful and blind man, I wanted to tell him. Take it. I

don’t want it anymore, I wanted to scream at him and anyone that would


But I didn’t. I didn’t think one could be petrified by pure, sheer joy. It

never seemed a possibility. Yet there I was, standing in front of him, just as

he laid his heart in my hands, and all I could do was stare at him with a

thousand unsaid words waiting on the tip of my tongue.

So, I showed him. My hands reached for his face, just as he had been

doing, and I brought him to my lips. I told him with a kiss that I was his.

Gave myself to him with those lips that didn’t seem capable of articulating

any words.

Aaron lifted me off the floor and took me in his arms with a tenderness, a

reverence that left me breathless, just how I imagined him doing with my

heart. My legs went around his hips as his lips parted mine, his tongue taking,

governing mine.

With long strides, he crossed the open space in his loft, carrying me in his

arms as neither of us came out to breathe. He placed me on the countertop of

the kitchen. The cool granite caressing the part of the backs of my thighs that

weren’t covered by my shorts.

Aaron’s mouth dragged down my neck, his teeth scraping my skin, finally

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