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He tried pushing away, but I refused to let him go. His chuckle came light

and sunny and just like a blow to the chest. It distracted me enough for him to

slip out.

I whimpered, disappointed and cold. I guessed I was a greedy woman

when it came to cuddles.

Or perhaps it was when it came to him.

“I’ll be back before you blink, promise.”

Luckily for him, he was. And the sight he treated me to as he strolled,

flawlessly naked, across the room helped his case. Once back on the bed, he

wrapped himself around me, tucking me to his side. He pulled the light

comforter over us and hummed with deep, sultry content.

Yep, I thought. Same here.

“See?” he said against my hair. “Not even a full minute.”

I sighed into his chest. “I’m needy, okay?” I admitted, unashamed. “And

I’m not talking just snuggles needy. I’m spider-monkey needy.” I made my

point, throwing my leg over his and my arm over his chest, tangling our

bodies in a way that I guessed wasn’t anywhere close to being cute.

Somehow, even with my face buried in his neck, I knew he was smiling.

Then, his chest rumbled, confirming that he wasn’t just doing that.

“Are you laughing at my misfortune?”

“I wouldn’t dare. Just enjoying you being all greedy with me, spider

monkey.” His palm trailed down my spine, stopping at my backside. He

squeezed. “But if you don’t behave, we will never manage to get any sleep

tonight. And as devastating as it is, I only had that condom.”

My grip on him loosened a little, “Did you … expect this to happen?” I

asked, thinking of him slipping a condom in his luggage. A rush of

anticipation rose beneath my skin.

“No,” he answered softly. His fingers making their way up my back. “But

I’m not going to lie to you; a big part of me hoped it would, and maybe that’s

why I left it in. It had been in there forever anyway, so I thought it wouldn’t


“I’m happy you did,” I told him truthfully, and his hand came to rest at

the nape of my neck. His fingers slipped in, tangling with my hair. “It’s too

bad you didn’t think of throwing in more.”

The sound that came out of Aaron’s throat gave me life. “Oh yeah?”

Instead of answering what I hoped was a rhetorical question—because

how could I not mourn the loss of more mind-blowing sex like that?—a

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