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had no idea what to do with.

Fixing my gaze on his face, I squared my shoulders. “Oh, you think I

should really change?” I grabbed on to the hem of my pink robe, trying not to

think of how ridiculous I was actually feeling and hiding that emotion behind

all my bravado instead. “I wouldn’t want to show up overdressed to the

slumber party you mentioned. Do you think there will be any snacks?

He seemed to consider that for a long moment. “How are you not boiling

up inside there? That’s a lot of velour for such a tiny person.”


“And that’s a deep knowledge in fabrics for someone whose wardrobe is

made of two different pieces of clothing.”

An emotion flickered across his face, one I didn’t catch on time. He

closed his eyes very briefly, inhaling through his nose.

He was irritated. His patience slipping away from him. I could tell.

We won’t make it. We are doomed.

“First,” he said, regaining his composure, “you blatantly ogle me.”

That sent a wave of heat straight to my cheeks. Busted.

“Then, you reprimand me for what I’m wearing. And now, you criticize

my sense of style. Are you going to let me in, or do you always keep guests

outside your door while you insult them?”

“Who said you were a guest?” Inhaling through my nose and not hiding

my irritation at him calling me out, I turned around and walked away, leaving

him standing before the entrance to my apartment. “You invited yourself

over,” I said over my shoulder. “I guess you don’t mind letting yourself in

either, huh, big boy?”

Big boy? I closed my eyes, extremely thankful to be facing the other way.

Still not able to believe I had really called Aaron Blackford big boy, I

headed for the kitchen area of my studio and opened the fridge. The cool air

graced my skin, making me feel only slightly better. I stared into it for a full

minute, and when I finally turned, I did with a fake smile.

Aaron Blackford—and his tuxedo—leaned against the narrow island that

delimited my kitchen and living room spaces. His blue gaze was somewhere

above my knees. Still studying my attire, which he seemed to find so

outrageously intriguing.

It bothered me, I realized. The way he looked at it made me feel

inadequate even though I was at home and he was the intruder who had

shown up earlier than we had agreed. It was stupid, but it reminded me of

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