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care about it. I didn’t until I was older and she was diagnosed and the

possibility of her leaving us became real. But she used to tell me how the

moment I was born, she knew she had found her light in the dark. That one

lighthouse that, no matter what, was always up. Lighting up the night and

signaling her way home. And as a kid, I thought that was either corny or very

dramatic.” A low and humorless chuckle left him.

My heart broke all over again for him, hurting and begging me to turn

around and give him any comfort I could. But I stayed put. “You must miss

her so much.”

“I do, every day. When she passed and my nights got a little darker, I

started to understand what she’d meant.”

That was a loss I hoped I wouldn’t experience in a long time.

“But what your dad said—about you having this fire inside, that lightness

and life, and how it dulled for a period of time …” He paused, and I swore I

heard him swallow. “It just …” He trailed off, as if he was scared of his next

words. And Aaron never feared speaking his mind. Aaron was never scared.

“You are all that, Catalina. You are light. And passion. Your laughter alone

can lift my mood and effortlessly turn my day around in a matter of seconds.

Even when it’s not aimed at me. You … can light up entire rooms, Catalina.

You hold that kind of power. And it’s because of all the different things that

make you who you are. Each and every one of them, even the ones that drive

me crazy in ways you can’t imagine. You should never forget that.”

My heart skipped a beat. Then another one. And then one more. Until no

air was getting in or out and I could tell my heart had stopped beating

completely. For the longest of moments, I remained suspended in time,

thinking I’d never bounce back from this because my heart was not

functioning anymore, but hey, if those were the parting words I had to leave

this earth with, then I’d be happy.

And when my heart resumed, I wasn’t relieved. I simply couldn’t be

when it started thrashing against the cavity of my chest with a wildness I had

never experienced.

Some people claimed that the most beautiful thing anyone had ever done

for them was writing them a poem, composing a song, or confessing their

undying love in an epic gesture. But right then, as I was cocooned in Aaron’s

long legs, his fingers delicately massaging my neck simply because I’d

looked tense, I realized I didn’t need or want any of that. If I never got my

epic declaration, I’d be fine. Because his words were, without a doubt in my

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