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The man beside me didn’t hesitate when he spoke, “I can promise you

that much.” His voice reached my skin like a caress. Pushing my heart to

bang against my chest walls, wanting out as much as I didn’t want to hear

whatever was to come. “She’ll always have me.” His thumb caressed the

back of my hand. “She doesn’t know it yet, but she is stuck with me.”

I couldn’t not look over at him. After that, I couldn’t not want to search

his handsome face. At this point, it shouldn’t have surprised me all that

much. Aaron held that kind of power over me. So, I did exactly that. I

allowed myself to turn. His eyes had already been on me.

Does he feel that pull too? That urge to search my face for whatever

answers he thinks he’ll find?

Trying to get my heart under control, I peered into that ocean blue with

trepidation. With anticipation too. And I found something utterly terrifying.

Something that shouldn’t—couldn’t—have been there, considering that this

was supposed to be a farce so therefore his statement was not true. But I

struggled to deny what was in front of me, that those emotions were really

there, radiating off his gaze. Raw honesty. Conviction. Faith. Reliance. A

pledge. All of that looked at me from Aaron’s eyes. Demanding to be


As if he was making me the promise and not my mother.

As if what he had just proclaimed wasn’t part of our game in deception.

But I couldn’t accept that. As much as my body shook with effort to

restrain myself from wrapping my arms around his neck and begging him for

answers or to tell me exactly where in the gray area we found ourselves, I

wouldn’t allow myself to play with the questions spinning in my head and

knotting together all my heartstrings.

Because perhaps I didn’t really want to hear any of the answers to

questions like: Had we gone from coworkers to deal associates to friends?

Were we friends who vowed to be there for each other now? Friends who

almost kissed and shared soft brushes of their lips? Was that promise really

true, like his eyes pleaded with me to believe? Or was that nothing more than

an ornament? And if it was, then why would he say something like that? Had

he no disregard for my poor heart? Didn’t he see that I was no longer able to

discern one thing from the other? But if it wasn’t a simple embellishment of

the truth—an act, a tool in this farce—then what in the world was he doing?

What were we doing?

Not able to remain under everything that looked at me from Aaron’s gaze

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