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I nodded. “Thank you for your time,” I said, making myself smile

politely. “I look forward to hearing back from you, Mr. Cameron. Have a

good evening.”

Hitting End on the conference call I had been on with the representative

of the decision board of Terra-Wind, I took off my headphones and closed

my eyes for a moment. Jesus, I didn’t even know how that had gone. I just

hoped I had gotten through to him. My team was worth every extra penny,

and Terra-Wind was a renewable company that had the resources and the

potential to do something for the state of New York. I wanted this project.

Opening my eyes back up, I watched my phone flash with my sister’s

name, causing a twirl of mixed emotions. Any other day, I would have

automatically picked up. But not today. I had already sent several of her calls

to voice mail. If it were a real emergency, my whole family would have been

blasting my phone.

“Lo siento mucho, Isa,” I said as if she could hear me. “I don’t have time

to deal with another bridal apocalypse.”

I silenced my phone, placed it screen down, and moved onto the stack of

résumés that HR had sent over for the vacancies I needed to fill. Two—I’d

check a couple of them and take the rest home with me.

Four résumés later, I was dropping my trusty highlighter down. I let my

back fall on the backrest of my chair.

My head was spinning, probably due to the fact that I had been working

on mostly an empty stomach. Again. Because I had been dieting. Wrongly,

most likely. Closing my eyes, I scolded myself for being that dumb.

But, as much as I hated myself for it, I couldn’t stop thinking of standing

in front of Daniel. My ex, the groom’s brother and best man. Who, unlike me,

was happily engaged. Or in front of everybody. I could already feel every

single soul attending the ceremony watching me, watching us. Measuring my

reaction and assessing me—from the way I looked to the way my lips would

tug down and pale when I finally faced him. Looking for possible answers

that would explain why I was still single after all this time while Daniel


Did she ever get over him? Did she ever get over everything that had

happened? Of course not. Poor thing. What happened must have really

messed her up.

So, was it that silly of me to want to stand there and look good? Not just

fine. Not just getting by. To everyone watching, I wanted to look complete.

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