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Aggravated by the words Aaron had mouthed—twice—even though he

had every right to and I had sort of anticipated it, I threw both my hands up

with irritation.

Jesus, this man—

“Nineteen hundred for the lady in midnight blue.” Angela’s voice reached

my ears.

Wait, what? No.

I flinched, then dropped my hands to my sides, and stuck them there.

Looking at Angela for confirmation of what I had done, even if this time

accidentally, I found her pointing in my direction.


Returning my gaze to Aaron, I watched him roll his eyes, lips pressed into

a thin line.

Grimacing, I sent him a tight smile that I hoped communicated how really

sorry I was and hoped Patrick had another one of those boats. Because I

needed somebody else to bid on the old widower man.

Angela announced the next sum, not obtaining an immediate answer.

The guilt returned, together with a pinch of embarrassment. Which

pushed me to pin Aaron with a serious look as I mouthed again, Sorry, very

slowly and methodically. Making sure he understood the sentiment behind it.

Aaron’s eyes held mine, one of those deadpan expressions in place.

I swear. I made my lips form the silent words in a very exaggerated

manner. Then, I curled my lips into a sad face, keeping the rest of my body

still—just so I wouldn’t accidentally bid on any more bachelors. I am really

sorry, I mouthed like a total idiot.

And I was. Sorry, that was. Although a bit of an idiot too.

A few heads turned and sent me a fair share of weird glances, but I didn’t

let that deter me, and I kept my lips bent down. Telling Aaron with my eyes

that I was sorry. Although, if you asked me, it was on him for bringing me of

all people to do something that I was clearly not qualified for.

The sight must have been truly something because before I knew what

was happening, Aaron’s shoulders shook a couple of times, his stance broke,

and one of his hands went to the back of his neck as his head dipped. I

couldn’t see his face, so I had no clue of what was going on. All money was

on him bursting in frustration and anger and turning into the Hulk. And just

when I was about to really start worrying, he lifted back that raven-haired

head of his and revealed something I would never have bet on.

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