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atalina.” The deep voice that had lured me to sleep and ignited

every cell in my body countless times in the last twelve months

reached my ears.

My pen dropped from my mouth, smacking the glossy surface of the oak

conference table.

“Catalina, I’m going to need an answer.”

My back straightened in my chair, my gaze meeting a pair of blue eyes as

I cleared my throat. Shit. I totally spaced out. “Yes, yes—ahem. An answer.

Coming right up, Mr. Blackford,” I rushed out. “Just mentally recapping.”

I watched the corner of his lips tip up, his eyes simmering with an

emotion I was more than familiar with. My heart skipped a beat. Because,

apparently, I’d never not react to this man’s smile. No matter how small it


“Rosie, if you could maybe assist Catalina as she mentally recaps,” he

said, cocking a brow. “We all have places to be, and I’d appreciate being

through with this meeting in the next five minutes.”

“Of course,” my best friend and new team leader of our division agreed

from my right. “I’m sure Lina was being very thorough with the notes she

was taking.”

“Yep, I was doing exactly that,” I confirmed, looking over at her and

finding her cheeks flushed.

We both still sucked at lying.

I sent her a wobbly smile and mouthed, Thanks.

I heard Aaron’s deep exhale.

Impatient and sexy blue-eyed grump. He was lucky I was head over heels

in love with him.

“Aaron was suggesting that perhaps now that Linda and Patricia are back

from their maternity leaves, someone from your team could transfer to

Héctor’s,” Rosie explained, her fingers fumbling on top of her open planner.

“Just to temporarily cover the vacancy I left now that I’m leading Gerald’s

team after his … departure.”

After the tedious and lengthy HR investigation Sharon had pushed for

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