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is beating a million miles an hour too. Do you feel that?”

I nodded my head, some of my fear dissipating.

Then, he brought my hands against his hard length. “Do you feel this too,

Lina? Do you feel how hard I am in my pants?” He punctuated both his

questions by thrusting his hips into my palms.

I exhaled through my nose at the throbbing contact.

“Yes. It’s all because of you. It’s you who makes my cock this hard. And

it’s you who makes my heart want to plunder out of my chest with a brief

touch or a simple look. But it’s nothing to be scared of. We are in this

together, remember?”

His words fueled something inside of me, unearthing the need from

beneath my sudden insecurities. My doubts. My fears.

I dipped my head, placing a kiss above his heart. “We are.” Then, my

hand moved over the fabric of his pants, palming his length. Very slowly.

Aaron groaned, and I felt his lips falling on my temple again. He placed

an encouraging kiss there. “Take me out.”

I obliged. I was at his mercy. I’d do anything if he asked. So, I unzipped

his pants, zeroing in on the bulge contained in his boxers. Following his

demand, I slid down both his pants and underwear. Just enough so his length

sprang free. My fingers circled him, giving him one single stroke.

A strangled sound emerged from Aaron’s body. “Jesus, that feels so


Stroking him once again, I relished in the feel of his cock between my

fingers, smooth and hard, throbbing under my touch. I wondered how it’d

feel under my tongue. Following my hasty impulse, I leaned down, hearing

Aaron’s gasp at my sudden change in position. I placed my lips on his shaft,

circling him then with my mouth, making contact with my tongue.

God. All the blood in my body pooled down in my center, my need

pulsating and piercing every one of my senses.

Taking hold of my hair, Aaron pulled delicately. “Baby.” He tugged at

my hair again. This time, his hips reared back, just enough to make me stop.

“I want this—I do—but I’m not going to come in your mouth tonight.”

Moving his hands to my shoulders, he pulled me up. In a deliriously swift

move, he had me on my back. In another one, he got rid of his pants and


Aaron is naked.

Every single thing about him was solid and delectable. Big. Powerful.

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