1 - NGA

1 - NGA

1 - NGA


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I<br />

step cast in the pmducf ion of relief models.<br />

cessette-(JcS) In photography, a reloadable<br />

container Ior either unexposad of axposed<br />

sensfflzed materfala whch may be removed<br />

fmm the camera or dsrtrmom equipment under<br />

lightened conditions.<br />

Cseelnl map pro]sctlon-A conventional<br />

map pm)ecf~n conefrucfad by computing the<br />

Iengfhe of arcs atong a ealecrad geographic<br />

meridian and along a greet circle perpendicular<br />

to that meridian, and pbffing these as<br />

rectangular coorrfinatee on a plane.<br />

MIL-HDBK:850<br />

Ceselnl-Soldner maB tsrolsctlon- Similar<br />

to a polycaic map pr6jef%~ excepf that if uses<br />

but one central meridian for a whole series. Best<br />

edapted for north-south belts ad large-scale<br />

maps of small arees.<br />

cestlng—The process 01 reproducing relief<br />

rnedels in plaster or epexy from the terrain base<br />

of the modal, or aftar the surlace of fhe model<br />

has been devaloped. Models are fimf cast<br />

negsflve, fmm filch ❑ny number of poeitive<br />

castings may be made.<br />

casuel error—See random error.<br />

catadloptrlc sysmm-(optics) An optical<br />

svstem containlno both refractive and reflective<br />

eiements. -<br />

catenerv correctlorr-hatrino) Sae eao<br />

. . .<br />

correction.<br />

CathOda ray—1. One of the high-speed<br />

electrons projected in a stream trom the heated<br />

cathsde of a vacuum tube under the propulsion<br />

of a afmng alecrric field. 2. A stream of celhoderey<br />

efecfmns<br />

cathode-ray tube-A vacuum tube in which<br />

cathode rays, uauafly in the form of a elendar<br />

beam, are prolecfed upon a ffuorescerrf screen<br />

fhaf serves aa an errfica!hode where the rays<br />

produce a luminous spot.<br />

csthode-The elecfmde at which electrons<br />

enter a devbe fmm the external circuit.<br />

cetoptrlc system-(optics) An optical system<br />

in which all elements are raflecfive (mirrors).<br />

cautlona~ note-lnformallon cafllng special<br />

attention to some fact, usualfy a danger area,<br />

38<br />

shown on a map or chart.<br />

celestlel coordlnataa—Any set of<br />

coordinates used to deline a point on the<br />

celestial sphere.<br />

celeatlal aquator aystam of<br />

coordlnatas—A sel o? cefestial coordinates<br />

based on the celestial equator as lfre primary<br />

greaf circle; usualfy dacllnatbn and hour angle<br />

or slderaal hour angle. Afao calied aquator<br />

ayatem; equatorlaf system; aquhtoctlal<br />

eyetam ot coordlnataa.<br />

caleeflal equator-Tfre great clrcfe on the<br />

miestial ephera whose pJane Is perpendiilar 10<br />

the axis of rotation of the Earth. Also cafied<br />

equlnoctfal.<br />

celesliaf fix—A position established by means<br />

of observation on one or rnera celestial todies.<br />

cefesllal geodeey—The branch of geodesy<br />

which utifizes obsewalions of near C81aS.til<br />

bodies, including Earth satellites, to datermins<br />

fhe size and shape of the Earth.<br />

celeatlal horizon-That circle of the celestial<br />

sphere formed by the interjection of fhe<br />

celestial sphere and a plane through the center<br />

of fhe Earth and perpendicular 10 the zenith<br />

nadir tine, Also caffed rational trorlzon.<br />

celeetlal latltuda-Anguiar disfanca north or<br />

south of the acllptk; fhe arc of a circle of Iafiiude<br />

between the ecliptic and e point on the celaefial<br />

sphere, measured northward or aoufhwati fmm<br />

the ecliptic lhrough 90°, and labeled “N- or ‘Sto<br />

Indicate the direction of measurement. Also<br />

called acliptic iatitude.<br />

cefestlal fine of poelllon-A fine of PrMflon<br />

determined by means of tha observation of a<br />

celestial body.<br />

cefeaflal longituda-Angular distance east<br />

of fhe vamal aquinox, abng the ecfipfic: the arc<br />

of fhe ectiplic or the angle al the ecliptic pole<br />

between the circle of latitude of the VetTIal<br />

equinox and tfre circla of ialifude of a point on<br />

the celestial sphere, measured eaafward fmm<br />

the circle of Ialilude of the vernal equinox,<br />

Ihrough 360°. Also called acllptlc Iongltude.<br />

celeetlal mechanlca—The study of Iha<br />

fhaory of fhe motions of celestial bodias under<br />

Ihe infiuance of gravitational fiefds.

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